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University Administrative Support

The University Administrative Support provides service and support to the University's education, research, collaboration and management.

Departments of the Administrative Support


The Chancellery is responsible for the direct support to the University Governance and University Governing Board as well as the University wide advisory boards, councils and committees. The Chancellery handles studies, administration and secretarial support, legal coordination, archive and registrator as well as questions concerning strategic collaboration and internationalisation. The University wide research support and the support for the University holding companies can also be found here.

Contact information for the Chancellery


The Finance Department deals with governance, administration and monitoring of the University’s finances including accounting, procurement and invoice processing. Some of the economists work at the Schools.

Contact information for the Finance Department

Student Affairs

The department is responsible for all educational and student support, both central and at the University Schools. At the department, everything concerning education administration and documentation can be found, such as admittance, schedules, exam coordination, crediting of previous courses/work, syllabi, course and degree certificates and degrees. It also gathers all the support functions that the University offers its students, with everything from guidance counselling and international exchange to pedagogical support and preventive healthcare and welfare. The work with providing a good study environment in a broader sense is done in collaboration with both the University Schools and Halmstad Student Union. Service Center encounters and handles questions from staff and students as well as the general public.

Contact information for Student Affairs


The department is responsible for the University's internal and external communication, which includes marketing and student recruitment. The responsibility for administering and developing the various channels and forms that are used in the communication, everything from the website and printing to exhibitions and events, can be found here.

Contact information for the Communications Department

Campus Services

The department is responsible for the University's physical environment and infrastructure. The department handles IT issues, telephones, facility management, caretakers, environmental management, security and all other premises and estate issues. Contact the department through the University helpdesk,

IT Department

The department is responsible for IT and telephone issues. The best way to contact the IT department is through the helpdesk system,

University Library

The University Library is responsible for providing information resources within the University’s education and research areas. At the University Library students, staff and others can take part of and exchange information in the form of books, media and other information resources, both physical and digital. The University Library offers guidance and support in the search for and handling of information, as well as in questions regarding scientific publication. The responsibility for the University publishing database DiVA, Halmstad University Press and the coordination of legal deposits of electronic materials also lies here.

Contact information for the University Library

Human Resources (HR)

The department is responsible for HR support and salary handling, both central and at the University Schools. The department is a support to the University governance as well as the Schools’ management in everything that concerns staff issues, from strategic skills development and leadership development to rehabilitation and recruitment. Everything that has to do with union interaction, working environment and equal opportunities, as well as handling of salaries and pensions, is processed here.

Contact information for Human Resources

Property Management Department

The Property Management Department is responsible for the University’s premises, premises planning, real estate services and security, physical security and fire safety work. The department is also responsible for the University’s environmental work and follow-up, as well as for improving the energy use of the properties.

Contact information for the Property Management Department



