Contact and visit us
Contact details and payment information for Halmstad University as well as information on how to get here.
Opening hours
You can get in touch with us every workday. You can reach us by phone, email or by visiting our Service Center.
- Monday to Friday: 08.00 to 16.00
Contact us
- Phone: +46 35 16 71 00
- Student queries:
- General queries:
- Questions about collaboration
Please be aware that Halmstad University is a public authority and that written communication with us is an official document and may be registered. All information is processed according to the General Data Protection Act (GDPR).
Search staff
You can search for contact information for the University's teachers and other staff in our staff search.
University Estate Helpline
Whenever you detect failures, damages or other problems in or around the University premises, call the University Estate Helpline. You can place the call anytime!
- The University Estate Helpline: +46 35 299 10 30
Mailing address
Halmstad University
Box 823
Visiting address
Kristian IV:s väg 3, Halmstad
Delivery address
Spetsvinkelgatan 29
Campus Varberg
Högskolan i Halmstad
School of Health and Welfare
Phone: + 46 35 16 71 00
(all calls through Halmstad)
Wifi for visitors
The University's guest network is called hh-guest and is available to everyone who visits campus. Before you can use the network, you must first register. Fill in your name and either mobile number or email address. You will receive the password via SMS or e-mail, depending on the contact method you have chosen. Your guest account is active for five days.
Campus map
You can find your way around campus with the service MazeMap. It’s available as an app for both Iphone and Android smartphones where you can navigate through indoor positioning. You can also get directions in both the app and the web version below (open in a new window to be able to do a search).
About the campus
The Bærtling Quarter
In 2004, the University area was named the Bærtling Quarter, decorated with the works of the artist Olle Bærtling. Among other things, the main entrance boasts Asamk, a fifteen-metre-high sculpture in metal. In the area there are additional sculptures and several flags. Inside the University’s premises, Baertling’s characteristic design language recurs, partly in paintings but also in textiles and colour schemes.
The decoration of the area is a collaboration between the Baertling Foundation, Halmstad University and Halmstad Municipality. Halland Art Museum has been commissioned to manage the Baertling Quarter on behalf of the municipality.
Finding your way to Halmstad University
To cycle or take the bus/drive between the town centre and Halmstad University only takes a few minutes, the distance is around two kilometres. The easiest way is to follow Laholmsvägen straight to the University.
By car
If you're driving from Malmö or Göteborg, take the E6 motorway to the southern exit of Halmstad and then drive towards the town centre. After a few kilometres, you will see a tall glass building on the left hand side of the road. Turn left at the intersection by the building.
When you approach Halmstad from Växjö or Jönköping, take the E6 motorway southbound (towards Malmö), get off at the southern exit and then drive towards the town centre. Follow the instructions above.
There are several different parking lots around campus. Make sure to follow the instructions for the parking lot you are using in order to use the correct payment services. You can easily find car parks and charging points on our campus map.
By plane
Halmstad airport is one of Sweden's most central airports, with flights to and from Stockholm/Bromma. From the airport, you can get to town via bus or taxi. By car, it takes around 10 minutes from the town centre. Local bus route 40 stops just outside the terminal entrance.
When travelling to Halmstad from abroad, it is often easiest to fly to Copenhagen Airport (Denmark) and take the train directly to Halmstad. Look for a train going to Göteborg, which will stop at Halmstad along the way.
By train
Train services will take you to central Halmstad. The train station is within walking distance to the centre of town. It takes about 10 minutes to walk to the University. Should you wish to take the bus instead, there are buses from the train station to most parts of town.
For information on train timetables, please see the train services' individual websites.
Both long-distance and express buses travel to Halmstad. Local buses stop just outside the campus area. Bus timetables are available from the bus service operators' websites.
Taxi Halmstad telephone number: +46 35 21 80 00
Payment and invoice information
All suppliers to the University must send electronic invoices.
Electronic invoices
Note that PDF invoices or scanned paper invoices are not approved formats. We accept electronic invoices in the format PEPPOL BIS Billing 3.
- PEPPOL id: 0007:2021003203
Electronic invoices at Halmstad University Pdf, 88.9 kB.
E-invoice via invoice portal for those who do not have the opportunity to send e-invoices
If you, as a supplier to us, do not have the opportunity to send an e-invoice, we offer you to use our invoice portal free of charge, which is provided by our partner OpusCapita.
Invoice portal OpusCapita External link.
Invoice reference
A personal reference code consisting of 4–6 letters must always be provided by the person ordering and this reference code must be stated on the invoice without blank spaces or other characters in the field ”Your reference”.
GLN number
Corporate identity number
VAT number
Payment terms
Halmstad University pays invoices within 30 days. Invoice fees or similar fees will not be accepted.
Bank details
Danske Bank Sverige
Box 7523
IBAN number: SE4612000000012810112657
Högskolan i Halmstad
Box 823
Contact us
The University in social media
Stay updated on what is happening at the University by following us on social media:
Social Media Guidelines
Halmstad University values academic freedom and encourages dialogue. We believe in openness, diversity, and inclusion to provide a platform for various perspectives. The opportunity to express opinions and debate is fundamental in a democratic society.
Halmstad University is a public authority and operates based on governmental values such as democracy, legality, objectivity, freedom of expression, respect and service. We strive for an inclusive conversational climate that promotes debate and viewpoints, which is why we have established commenting guidelines that everyone must adhere to.
The individuals who monitor and respond are typically communications officers who, when necessary, consult experts to provide answers to inquiries.
All posts, comments, and private messages that are sent to, and published on, our social media accounts become public records.
Comments and posts containing the following will not be accepted and may be removed:
- Threats, defamation, insults, harassment, hate speech or other forms of harassment, such as racism or sexism.
- Sharing private information about individuals.
- Personal attacks and derogatory comments.
- Marketing, political messages, spam or off-topic comments.
- Calls to commit crimes.
- Unauthorised use of copyrighted material or encouragement to do so.
- Posts that violate applicable legislation.
- Unauthorised depictions of violence and pornography.
Comment moderation
Halmstad University reserves the right to delete or hide comments that violate the rules. All deleted comments are registered and archived. We always inform in the comment section when moderation has occurred.
The comment function is provided and monitored in accordance with the Act on Responsibility for Electronic Bulletin Boards (also known as the BBS Act). Individuals who make posts that violate the law may be personally liable for their actions.
Act on Responsibility for Electronic Bulletin Boards External link, opens in new window.
The University's newsletter: Research & Interplay
Research & Interplay aims to highlight news about research and collaboration from Halmstad University, including from our focus areas Health Innovation and Smart Cities and Communities.