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Mediated literature searching service

The library performs more comprehensive literature searches subject to time availability. The searches are performed in collaboration between librarians and researchers and require a continuous dialogue. Please contact us and we will discuss the possibilities for further cooperation.

If you are a researcher at Halmstad University, you can receive help with:

  • advanced information search (selecting keywords, searching relevant databases, using different search strategies).
  • conducting a systematic overview (as above, and in addition methodological support based on evidence-based practice).

An example of what the search process might look like:

  1. First meeting: The researcher brings along research questions, any PICO or equivalent model, one or more relevant articles, and a preliminary timetable. Together we discuss inclusion and exclusion criteria, appropriate databases, and search terms.
  2. After the first meeting: The librarian designs a preliminary search strategy and performs a test search. The researcher reviews the search results and assesses the relevance.
  3. Second meeting: We meet again to optimize the search strategy.

Once we have developed a good search strategy, the librarian, or researcher, conducts searches in relevant databases. If the librarian performs the final search, the search results are delivered, along with documentation, as a file in ris format that can be imported to a reference management program or a screening program.



