The Schools at Halmstad University are responsible for and conduct education, research and other development activities as well as collaboration with the surrounding world.
Four Schools at Halmstad University
School of Business, Innovation and Sustainability
The School of Business, Innovation and Sustainability (FIH) trains future economists, engineers and environmental scientists.
School of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences
The School of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences (LHS) educates the teachers, linguists, cultural theorists and social scientists of the future. The school also conducts research and collaboration.
School of Health and Welfare
The School of Health and Welfare (HOV) is a research and education environment, with a focus on people’s needs and societal challenges within the areas of health, lifestyle and welfare. The School of Health and Welfare conducts education, research and collaboration in the fields of social and behavioural sciences and nursing.
School of Information Technology
The School of Information Technology (ITE) is a strong research and education environment, with a focus on smart technology and its applications. Students and researchers are working with everything from AI and information driven care to autonomous vehicles, social robotics and digital design.