Collaboration arenas
To be able to offer the businesses in the region the possibility to develop and test new ideas is important to Halmstad University. The collaboration arenas offer modern equipment as well as resources in the shape of researchers, technicians and students who in their theses, student or research project carry out assignments and experiments.
Digital Laboratory Centre (DLC)
The Digital Laboratory Centre (DLC) at Halmstad University is a creative, high-tech laboratory environment with a focus on learning, culture and creativity.
Read more about Digital Laboratory Centre
Electronics Centre in Halmstad (ECH)
Almost everything around us has integrated electronics, and the growth is enormous – by 2020, it is expected that there will be more than 50 billion connected electronic devices in the world. Electronics Centre in Halmstad was created by Halmstad University and regional companies to promote innovation, education and research in the field of electronics.
Read more about Electronics Centre in Halmstad
Fab Lab
Fab Lab Halmstad is one of the University’s laboratories and collaboration arenas. Here, you find an inspiring environment for learning, fully equiped with digital machines for prototyping.
Health Data Centre
The Health Data Centre (HDC) is an industrial research centre for data driven healthcare, established by Halmstad University, Region Halland and Hallandia V.
Read more about Health Data Centre
Health Lab
How can our homes be built to meet future care needs? How do we train nurses for future care? How do we best use the technology in healthcare and in sport? At Health Lab, students, researchers and university collaborators can design, test and simulate working methods - in environments that make it feel real.
Leap for Life
Leap for Life is Hallands collaborative effort with information driven care. It is an innovation centre for Region Halland, Halmstad University, all municipalities in Halland and the business sector in their joint quest to change and develop the future healthcare.
Rydberg Laboratory
The Rydberg Laboratory offers state-of-the-art facilities for interdisciplinary research, combining the natural sciences, associated applied sciences, and mathematical modelling. RCL is Halmstad University’s largest and most well-established laboratory and innovation arena, and consists of several smaller research lab units.
The collaboration arenas are also home to research and education. There are also other exciting lab environments at the University.