Professional development
Do you want to develop? Do it together with us at Halmstad University! We offer courses for professionals within several different fields. Some courses are open or specifically designed while others are available among our regular courses. Choose an area, or combine several in one of our courses.
Education for professionals
Information technology
Do you work within the field of Information technology, or are you interested in AI or cybersecurity? Improve your competence by taking one of our professional development courses.
School and education
Do you work in education and want to further your own? The university offers several courses in this area.
Courses for professionals working within schools (in Swedish)
Health and welfare
Do your work in the healthcare industry? There are several ways for healthcare professionals to develop through one of our projects or platforms.
Public administration
SAYP (the SI Summer Academy for Young Professionals) strengthens participants’ capacity for change in the organisations they work for.
Western Balkans: Collaborative Governance in a Digital Era
Eastern Europe: Policy Integration and Transparency Practices in a Digital Era
Other courses for professionals
Education for professionals are aimed at individuals who wish to further train themselves. The courses are built on having a degree and some work experience as a base. They are flexible, with almost all education through distance learning and individual work.
Commissioned education
Commissioned education is education that is carried out for a fee for an employer/legal entity. It usually concerns staff training for employees in a business, public sector or other organisations, but can also be arrange for labour market reasons or within the framework for international relief.
The scale can be anything from a single lecture or a thematic day to a whole course or programme. No admission or formal eligibility is required and it is the business/organisation that determines who will attend the course. Commissioned education can be provided with or without higher education credits.
What is commissioned education in reality?
Commissioned education can be courses from our usual course range, but often we discuss solutions with courses that are both developed and adapted to the wishes and needs of the client.
The education is set to a time and place that suits the client, but adaptation is also done when it comes to content and form of teaching. An example of this is support from modern information technology and pedagogy that is adapted to distance learning.
The University's comissioned education is handled by the Schools and by HH Innovation AB.
School of Information Technology
Stella Erlandsson
Phone: + 46 35 16 73 89
School of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences
Charlotte Berglund
Phone: +46 35 16 77 71
School of Health and Welfare
Jan Karlsson
Phone: + 46 35 16 79 61
HH Innovation AB
Staffan Enting
Phone: +46 72 977 37 80
Quality assurance
All courses are quality assessed in the same way as the University’s other courses and programmes, an example of this is that our School Boards set the course syllabi. All lecturers are very qualified and experts in their field.