24 February 2025 Teaching AI to learn faster Most artificial intelligence (AI) models many examples to be able to learn new things, which can be problematic when there is a lack of data. However, the results of Anna Vettoruzzo’s doctoral studies...
3 February 2025 New methods for explaining survival models’ predictions Hello there, Abdallah Alabdallah! You recently finished your PhD in Information Technology at Halmstad University, with a thesis titled “ Towards trustworthy survival analysis with machine learning m...
31 October 2024 New technology improves self-driving cars during sensor failures Imagine a self-driving car suddenly losing one of its key sensors. What happens then? Tiago Cortinhal, who has completed his PhD in signals and signal engineering with a focus on sensor recovery at Ha...
24 October 2024 Professor’s portrait: AI to tackle real-world challenges For over two decades, Carlos N. Silla Jr., newly appointed Professor at Halmstad University, has been researching Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its potential to solve real-world problems. Through h...
21 October 2024 Professor’s portrait: “Research isn’t just about science – it’s about people” Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping the world at a remarkable pace. But how can we ensure that this powerful technology is both trusted and understood by people? At Halmstad University, Professo...
14 October 2024 Professor’s portrait: Digital technology creates customised solutions for the future Ross Friel, recently appointed Professor of Electronics focusing on advanced digital manufacturing at Halmstad University, is researching how digital systems can enhance manufacturing processes. More ...
10 October 2024 AI for early intervention in mental health among young adults Hello Lena Petersson, Senior Lecturer in Pedagogy at Halmstad University! Today, on 10 October, World Mental Health Day is highlighted globally, focusing on mental health and striving for change throu...
13 September 2024 Improving forklift efficiency through data-driven innovation In today’s digital world, monitoring machine productivity is more important than ever. Machine Activity Recognition (MAR) uses data to improve the efficiency of industrial equipment. In August, Kunru ...
18 June 2024 Enhancing healthcare through cross-border collaboration In Sweden healthcare is decentralised. Regions are responsible for primary and specialist care, while municipalities handle home healthcare. This division allows for care to be tailored to local needs...
17 June 2024 The eye is the key – future security through biometric recognition Hi there, Kevin Hernández Díaz! At the end of May, you defended your doctoral thesis in biometrics. Could you tell us more about your research?
13 June 2024 Electronics Centre in Halmstad promotes collaboration and innovation Electronics Centre in Halmstad (ECH) is an innovation arena for regional collaboration. It is also a test facility with EMC testing (electromagnetic compatibility), which can lead to faster product de...
31 May 2024 Utexpo proof of every student’s potential An electronically controlled rescue board, a portable breathing unit for intensive care, and an AI that identifies grooming. These are just a few of the impressive range of innovations showcased at th...
17 April 2024 Widespread use of ChatGPT among researchers Since 2022, OpenAI’s ChatGPT has gained much attention. This is because of the advanced language model’s ability to generate coherent text on various subjects. Its rise has not been without controvers...
10 April 2024 Solving traffic challenges with communicating cars Hi there Galina Sidorenko! On 28 March, you defended your doctoral dissertation. We wrote about your licentiate thesis on enhancing road safety through wireless communication a few years ago. This is ...
28 February 2024 AI technology for a fossil-free future In the field of transportation innovation, Mohammed Ghaith Altarabichi’s,who recently defended his doctoral thesis in machine learning at Halmstad University, research plays a key role towards a green...
20 December 2023 Personal AI solutions challenge privacy A few years ago, Alexander Galozy, a doctoral student in information technology, presented his licentiate thesis on how AI can support healthcare by reducing workload, lowering costs and empowering pa...
18 December 2023 The amazing journey of the subject of informatics at Halmstad University The first time I came into contact with the subject of informatics was in 1987. At that time, I was a student at the computer economics program at Halmstad University. Back then, the subject was calle...
12 December 2023 Important to build trust between humans and technology How can you build trust between humans and technology? Is it possible? And why is it important? Kaspar Raats, a PhD student in informatics at Halmstad University, explores these questions in his docto...
23 November 2023 Self-driving vehicles for a harsh Nordic climate For Eren Erdal Aksoy, innovative solutions and systems are in focus, as well as how intelligent technology can be useful in society. Currently, he spends a lot of time researching on self-driving vehi...
22 November 2023 New research may prevent hospital readmission after heart failure Heart failure is serious and causes many deaths. It is also a disease that affects many and for which much of the resources in healthcare are used. New studies at Halmstad University show that one in ...
12 October 2023 Professor’s portrait: Stefan Byttner wants more people to learn about AI Stefan Byttner, newly appointed Professor of Information Technology, has been deep diving into the subject of intelligence and learning since childhood. In addition to building algorithms and increasi...
6 October 2023 “The soul is still there” – Bertil Svensson followed Halmstad University from the start When Bertil Svensson had just received his doctorate and started working at Halmstad University, no research was conducted there at all. For three decades, he followed and led the development towards ...
4 October 2023 Cristofer Englund wants to contribute to a sustainable society Cristofer Englund has a genuine interest in traffic safety and has dedicated many years researching the field. It was his master’s thesis in computer systems engineering that laid the foundation for h...
28 September 2023 School of Information Technology: focusing on future challenges The School of Information Technology, often referred to as ITE, is one of four Schools at Halmstad University, which together contribute to shaping a strong education and research environment. ITE is ...
23 August 2023 How do selfie filters affect AI-based face identification? AI-based face analysis can be used for anything from unlocking your phone to making self-driving vehicles recognise pedestrians in traffic. But the selfie filters on social media and in your phone can...
11 May 2023 Machine learning for safer and smarter truck transportation By using large amounts of truck data, both on how they are operated and maintained, the CAISR+ Predictive Maintenance and Machine Learning project group managed to predict upcoming turbocharger breakd...
9 May 2023 EU funded project to strengthen AI competence for companies in Halland Halmstad University and HighFive Innovation Arena are launching a new EU project to strengthen artificial intelligence (AI) competence and competitiveness for companies in Halland – Innovation Platfor...
22 February 2023 Research keeps AI compatible with smart devices The smart devices we use in our daily lives keep getting smarter and are demanding more and more out of the hardware. How can we make sure that these devices are compatible with the artificial intelli...
26 January 2023 Turning data into better healthcare Healthcare is facing major challenges and the use of data and information can play an important part in solving several of them. With the use of machine learning or other types of artificial intellige...
24 November 2022 Safer healthcare with smart systems Self-monitoring systems were originally developed to avoid catastrophic machine breakdowns but required that you knew about the mechanics and the specific error you wanted to avoid. In his PhD thesis,...
3 October 2022 Professor’s portrait: “Digitalisation is not an uncontrollable force of nature; it is created by humans” Digital service innovation is about how digital services are received and create value for users, organisations, and society. Maria Åkesson, Professor of Informatics, study how digitalisation can cont...
23 September 2022 Unique design perspective in Halmstad’s AI education Stefan Byttner got his first computer already before he started school. It had a tiny light that flashed red when the computer processed something, and he heard the adults saying “look, the computer i...
2 September 2022 Mobile application can improve road safety Hi there, Oscar Molina! Your research is about improving road safety using automated and connected vehicles. You recently presented the first demo within the SafeSmart project at AstaZero. Can you tel...
1 September 2022 Shaping AI education for practical use in society In the fall of 2022, Halmstad University will present a new bachelor’s program named Applied Articifial Intelligence (AI). It is tailored for people who do not primarily have an interest in the engine...
29 August 2022 Students awarded SEK 100,000 for their health innovations For the first time, Getinge Sterilization Inc. offered a scholarship programme as a part of its deepening collaboration agreement with Halmstad University. In connection to the University’s annual gra...
18 August 2022 “Universities must get ready for new types of teaching” From traditional teaching to lifelong learning – everyone knows that we need to make the shift. But how? Pontus Wärnestål often grapples with that question.
28 June 2022 Halmstad University establishes research programme in information-driven care In the next few years, Halmstad University will establish a number of multidisciplinary research programmes to strengthen the University’s profile. The second programme to start is Information-Driven ...
10 June 2022 Better care at a lower cost by using data We are faced with numerous healthcare challenges in the coming years that will require an improved quality of care without increasing costs. Part of the solution is to take advantage, in new ways, of ...
19 May 2022 Artificial intelligence can strengthen and provide new opportunities for local businesses Through various projects between Halmstad University, the innovation arena HighFive and the innovation centre Leap for Life, researchers, students and other experts want to help companies in Halland t...
17 May 2022 Monitoring district heating substations important to the future smart city Ineffective and incorrect behavior of district heating substations causes unnecessary energy loss. In his recently published thesis, Shiraz Farouq proposes the use of models based on statistical and m...
13 May 2022 Everyday experiences in focus when developing digitalised cars of the future To create sustainable mobility solutions in the future, you need to understand how people think about digitalised cars. In his dissertation, Thomas Lindgren, who is an industrial PhD student in Inform...
6 May 2022 Human-machine collaboration improves the detection of anomaly When a deviation in a data set is found, it can implicate that something is wrong. It can, for example, be a machine part that does not work, a computer intrusion or a first sign of illness. By combin...
23 March 2022 Agile start-ups most innovative Hi there, Dulce Goncalves! Your research is about digital innovation and you defended your dissertation a while ago. Can you tell us a little about your research?
28 February 2022 Self-driving cars for a safer future Self-driving cars have great potential in preventing rear-end collisions. PhD student Galina Sidorenko’s research shows the benefits of using wireless communication, also known as vehicle-to-vehicle (...
17 February 2022 Smart Home Activity Recognition boosts quality of life The growing elderly population requires intelligent tools to support senior people in their homes. Advancements within Human Activity Recognition (HAR) make it possible to keep track of a person’s dai...
15 December 2021 Research about face recognition when using a mask The Swedish Research Council has granted 3,6 million SEK over three years for a new research project at Halmstad University. The project goal is to provide reliable methods for face recognition when w...
20 October 2021 Professor’s portrait: Our every-day-life is central in research about new technology Understanding how humans are affected by technology development, and vice versa, is the driving force for Vaike Fors, newly appointed Professor in the unique field of Design Ethnography. “I’m interes...
11 October 2021 Nanotechnology for the environment and future sensors With advanced nanotechnology, researchers from Halmstad and Lund are developing pioneering components that can be used in several areas. For example, the technology can be used for smart monitoring, d...
16 September 2021 His mission is for vehicles to talk to each other Emergency vehicles asking traffic lights to change colour. Connected trucks that can drive closer to each other. Intelligent vehicles that handle parts of the driving themselves, without any risk to p...
7 July 2021 Future AI needs to solve problems without labels Meet researcher Hadi Fanaee who works with predicting errors and solving problems by using AI. He believes that the greatest possibilities for AI lie in so called unsupervised learning where machine l...
1 July 2021 Artificial intelligence and precision health at Halmstad University In a new research profile at Halmstad University, called CAISR Health, research on the development of AI tools meet research on how these tools can be implemented in healthcare. The theme is AI and pr...
23 June 2021 Professor’s Portrait: “Life would be boring without difficult problems” Slawomir Nowaczyk is a Professor in Machine Learning and his research is about the discovery of interesting patterns and relations in large amounts of data – knowledge that can be used to avoid vehicl...
18 June 2021 Integrating service innovation into the design of digital products Interview with researchers Maria Åkesson, Michel Thomsen and Soumitra Chowdhury.
31 May 2021 Students learn to think and act sustainably in new research project Today’s youth is very aware of contemporary climate issues and demonstrates a desire to change our society to become more sustainable. To meet this global movement, university education must be adapte...
25 May 2021 Machine errors can be predicted when companies and researchers collaborate Maintaining a sterile and high hygienic standard is of great importance in hospitals. Sterilizers are machines used to sterilize hospital equipment. If a sterilizer breaks down, it can have major consequences.
20 May 2021 Enabling the full potential of Machine Learning In this era of big data, there is a need for intelligent systems that can improve continuously by learning from ubiquitous data streams. Mohamed-Rafik Bouguelia is developing Machine Learning algorith...
6 May 2021 Creating a new mathematical theory of simultaneous events Even as a child, he wanted to find his own answers, rather than asking an adult. Johan Thunberg is now a researcher in mathematics and is working on a new scientific theory of synchronised systems.
15 April 2021 AI important for future personalised care An ageing population and limited resources pose major challenges. PhD student Alexander Galozy believes that artificial intelligence (AI) will play a significant role in the future to manage long-term...
12 April 2021 AI and healthcare Listen to a conversation about how AI can improve healthcare, help make diagnoses and allocate resources. In this discussion you will hear Mattias Ohlsson, Professor of Machine Learning at Halmstad Un...
31 March 2021 Joint human-machine learning can improve district heating By combining machine learning and human knowledge in self-monitoring and intelligent systems, failures and deviations can automatically be detected. Research at Halmstad University shows that when the...
9 March 2021 Agile organisations enable digital innovation Previous research on agile organisations has mainly focused on large companies. At the same time, there is a tendency to highlight so-called start-ups as good examples. It is generally believed that l...
15 December 2020 Professor’s portrait: From hobby to career Ying Fu, Professor of Applied Electromagnetics, has always been interested in technology and gadgets. It started as a hobby and developed into an academic career with many projects and collaborations....
24 November 2020 Halmstad University in second place in an international AI competition A team from the Center for Applied Intelligent Systems Research at Halmstad University presented a successful solution in an AI competition earlier this fall. The competition is called the Aramis chal...
12 November 2020 Artificial intelligence could predict and prevent diseases Farzaneh Etminani wants to see a healthier society by using artificial intelligence, AI, in the healthcare system. AI can help doctors diagnose patients, recommending the right treatments and making a...
3 November 2020 Increased security with facial recognition With the many services available on smartphones, secure transactions are essential. Fernando Alonso-Fernandez wants to develop new AI solutions for human identification and the understanding of human ...
25 June 2020 Adding intelligence to embedded systems Any kind of technical gadget that has a computer and a dedicated function is a so called embedded system. Examples range from smaller devices, like a smart watch, to larger systems, like an autonomous...
13 May 2020 Researcher in ’Wisdom of the Crowd’ Earlier this spring, Yuantao Fan defended his doctoral thesis in Signals and Systems Engineering about ’Wisdom of the Crowd’ in Signals and Systems Engineering. His focus has been on buses, but the me...
24 April 2020 Robots that understand, learn and imitate humans How can robots become more intelligent? That is the ultimate question that Eren Erdal Aksoy wants to find the answer to. “I am not interested in designing the latest version of a humanoid robot with...
22 April 2020 Self tracking apps affect us – and we affect the apps with improvisation and fiddling They are a big part of our everyday lives, the apps that measure everything from how we eat and sleep, to how we move. The initial idea is that our behaviour needs to be adjusted – we are supposed to ...
14 April 2020 Personalised digital intervention to battle high blood pressure By motivating and reminding a person to take her medication, based on her own needs and behaviour, researchers at Halmstad University strive to improve medication adherence for patients with hypertens...
9 April 2020 Social byggnorm – how architecture and social relations affect each other Social byggnorm (social construction norms) is an initiative aiming to develop equal physical work environments. Together with Carlstedt architects, researchers have developed building norms that ma...
3 April 2020 Human-centred design – a new guide for architects Service design researchers at Halmstad University have together with Krook & Tjäder Architects created a guide on how architects can work in a more human-centred way. The guide gives architects too...
23 March 2020 Anita’s company wants to forge the link between researchers and facts Researchers constantly need to collect and analyse statistics and data. This requires tools that are often developed specifically for each project, at great expense. Former Halmstad University researc...
27 January 2020 Students create smart heat pump It started as a project at the Swedish heating company NIBE and quickly became a collaboration between NIBE, Halmstad University and Electronics Centre in Halmstad (ECH). It soon developed into a Mast...
28 November 2019 Research for more efficient sustainable heating District heating is a sustainable alternative for heating households. In a recently published licentiate thesis from Halmstad University, doctoral student Shiraz Farouq presents data-driven methods fo...
25 November 2019 User-centred and sustainable technology development – several new multidisciplinary future mobility research projects User-centred and sustainable design of new technologies is becoming increasingly important. Many traditionally technology-driven industries, such as the automotive industry and power companies, are sh...
10 November 2019 Professor’s portrait: A teaching interest brought Mark Dougherty to Sweden Vehicle activated signs, artificial intelligence’s inability to forget, and tools to evaluate Parkinson’s disease – these are just a few of the topics that Professor Mark Dougherty has spent his time ...
31 October 2019 Local businesses implement AI with help from University researchers During a few months, three hand-picked companies have been learning about how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be applied in their businesses and what improvements it can provide for them. “An incred...
25 October 2019 Successful research venture within AI Today, artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming central in technical research and development. But eight years ago, when Halmstad University started Center for Applied and Intelligent Systems Research...
4 July 2019 Using AI to individualise care for heart patients in Halland A growing elderly population puts great demands on our increasingly complex healthcare system. Ineffective decision-making can lead to a poorer quality of care for the patients, as well as escalating ...
26 June 2019 Halmstad University starts a new collaborative research project with Volvo Group for more efficient electromobility By applying artificial intelligence (AI) to predictive maintenance of electric-powered buses we can significantly prolong their lifetime. Halmstad University and Volvo Group have received SEK 15 milli...
25 June 2019 Adapting new city districts for autonomous vehicles through EU funded research Halmstad University, together with ten other organisations in seven different countries, has received funding for a new research project for the development of smart cities. The project aims to facili...
28 May 2019 How can we better manage all collected data? Sensors in houses, cars, gadgets – and on humans – generate huge amounts of data every second. In order to process, analyse and react to the results of collected data, the demands on computer performa...
6 May 2019 International cross collaboration to help dementia patients Dementia is the loss of cognitive functioning – thinking, remembering, and reasoning – which complicates daily routines for dementia patients. In a European initiative called Remind, Halmstad Universi...
3 May 2019 Victory in research competition for quality assurance of patient data Researchers from Halmstad University and Lund University have won an AI competition announced by the US Food and Drug Administration, FDA. The purpose of the competition was to develop a system for tr...
25 April 2019 Research for fewer power outages The results of his research enable power distribution companies to change from reactive to predictive maintenance. This reduces the risks of long outages annoying the customers as well as costly and t...
5 April 2019 New testing techniques for safer software development Software product line engineering has become common practice for developing families of software systems. It has been used by many industrial companies such as Boeing, Bosch, General Motors, Philips a...
4 February 2019 Working towards safer roads 25,670 people lost their lives on European roads in 2016, and around 130,000 were seriously injured. Road transport represents a fifth of Europe's greenhouse gas emissions and is the main cause of air...
28 December 2018 Testing complex autonomous systems Autonomous vehicles can increase traffic safety, lead to reduced fuel consumption and more efficient road use. The technology for self-driving cars is developing fast, but there are still many challen...
24 August 2018 Professor’s portrait: Driven to contribute to something larger Thorsteinn Rögnvaldsson has worked within the sphere of computer science at Halmstad University since 1996. His interest in artificial intelligence and machine learning was, however, established much ...
27 June 2018 Professor’s portrait: The researcher who wants to teach machines to see When will we be able to teach robots to see like humans do? That means, to really interpret the surroundings and then make rational decisions. Today, research has not got that far. But Joseph Bigun, P...
16 October 2017 Professor’s portrait: Professor of Informatics focuses on users Initially, Carina Ihlström Eriksson had no plans of becoming a researcher, but a friend of hers, who began studying at Halmstad University, changed her mind. And once she enrolled, as a student in Bus...
16 February 2017 Professor’s portrait: The ethnologist who became digital Magnus Bergquist was inaugurated as a new Professor at the University’s Academic Ceremony in November. Throughout his working career, he has been interested in collaboration and networking. The recurr...
20 January 2017 Professor’s portrait: A dream about self-driving cars Alexey Vinel was inaugurated as a new Professor at the University’s Academic Ceremony in November. His research focus is on developing wireless communication technologies to support intelligent transp...