
Outstanding graduating students awarded in informatics

On Friday, May 31, many final-year students celebrated their graduation. During the first part of the day, 14 of them received scholarships totalling SEK 115,000 for outstanding contributions in the field of informatics.

“We have wanted to create a way for children to talk about a very complex topic."

Isak Airasmaa Storbjörk, final-year student

Two final-year students from the Enterprise Systems Program, now Digital Business Development, Lukas Philipsson Andersson and Gustav Lundberg, received the PS Providers scholarship for their work on the relationship between generative AI and IT consultants.

Two people in suits are holding PS Provider scholarship diplomas and flowers. Photo.

Lukas Philipsson and Gustaf Lundberg received a scholarship from PS Provider for their work on generative AI for the skills development of IT consultants.

“It feels very good to have received this scholarship! We’ve been working on something we think is very interesting, so it’s great that others think so too”, says Gustav Lundberg.

In their thesis, Lukas Philipsson and Gustav Lundberg investigated how generative AI can support IT consultants, with a focus on professional development. Generative AI, such as ChatGPT and Co-pilot, creates content based on user input. The scholarship recipients have defined three components that can improve and support the IT consultant’s competence in programming, written communication and attitude towards monotonous tasks.

“We have focused our work on how we can support IT consultants, which is a role we would like to have in the future. That has made this extremely interesting for us”, Lukas explains.

High data quality – the key to efficient production

The Forterro scholarship was awarded to Anton Nilsson and Ludvig Löfquist Bertland at the Enterprise Systems Program for their work on data quality in a Manufacturing Execution System (MES).

“Receiving the scholarship feels a bit shocking! We are satisfied with what we submitted, but when they read out the motivation and we understood that we would receive the scholarship, we were very happy”, says Anton Nilsson.

Anton Nilsson and Ludvig Löfquist Bertland conducted a qualitative study at a company in Skåne, where they interviewed ten people who work with the company’s MES.

Two people in suits are holding Forterro scholarship diplomas and flowers.

Ludvig Löfquist Bertland and Anton Nilsson received the Forterro scholarship for their thesis on how low data quality affects production processes.

“We have looked at the causes of low data quality in the data management process linked to a production process”, Anton Nilsson explains.

The scholarship recipients shared that low data quality can lead to wrong decisions, increased costs and dissatisfied customers. Their study identified three main causes of the problems.

“Reasons may be that data collection and data entry are not always carried out in a solid way. It can also be due to low morale, lack of competence among operators, or poor design of the company’s MES. Another reason is a general lack of competence in the production process”, says Anton Nilsson.

“Our thesis highlights how critical it is to have high data quality in production systems. Incorrect data can lead to major problems, and we hope that our work can contribute to improvements in the future”, says Ludvig Löfquist Bertland.

Wants to prevent gang recruitment

The first prize for best design studio project within the Digital Design and Innovation programme went to Isak Airasmaa Storbjörk, Johanna Lago and Angelina Stefanović Andersson for their project that aims to prevent gang recruitment among young people.

“I was nervous during the scholarship ceremony, but it was a lot of fun!”, says Angelina Stefanović Andersson.

The trio has designed a tool to be used in school environments to inform and prepare young people for real-life situations linked to gang recruitment.

“We have developed a tool where you can provide information about real contexts, so that young people can prepare for how they can act in such situations”, says Isak Airasmaa Storbjörk.

“The idea is that it should be a material that is used in school environments so that teachers and students can discuss the subject and gain deeper knowledge about this serious problem”, says Johanna Lago.

Three individuals, two in dresses and one in a suit, are holding diplomas and flowers. Photo.

Johanna Lago, Angelina Stefanović Andersson and Isak Airasmaa Storbjörk received first prize for the best design studio project.

The tool is an application in the form of a game designed for children and young people between the ages of eight and ten.

“It is part of the preventive work, as recruitment of young people can take place when the adolescents are around 12 years old. By then, it is usually too late if you have already entered a criminal network”, says Angelina Stefanović Andersson.

The game allows students to follow a character, Alex, and make choices that affect his path into or out of gang crime.

“The game is like Kahoot and allows the students to make their own choices in how Alex should act. Then the idea is to discuss these choices in the classroom to get the students to reflect on the situations. We have also designed “action cards” that work as role-playing games. They can appear during the game, and then the students must perform an exercise linked to a scenario that has been read out in the game. For example, what do you do if you see a person who is sad or lonely?”, say the scholarship recipients.

“We have wanted to create a way for children to talk about a very complex topic”, concludes Isak Airasmaa Storbjörk.

Text: Anna-Frida Agardson

Photo: Anna-Frida Agardson

Forterro scholarship

The scholarship of SEK 10,000 is awarded for new knowledge additions in the field of business systems and was awarded by Anders Gidlund.

Winners: Anton Nilsson and Ludvig Löfquist Bertland

Thesis title: The Causes of Low Data Quality in a Manufacturing Execution System - A Qualitative Case Study of a Manufacturing Company

Citation: In today’s rapidly changing technological landscape, accurate and reliable data is essential. The winning paper focuses on data quality within the Manufacturing Execution System (MES) – a central part of modern production processes and strategic decision-making. The essay highlights concrete solutions and insights from a real-life case study. By focusing on data quality, the paper helps companies avoid costly errors, production interruptions, and inefficiencies. In addition, it provides insights that are relevant not only today, but also for future ERP systems and digital transformations.

The PS Provider scholarship

The scholarship of SEK 10,000 is awarded for new knowledge grants in the field of digital business development and was awarded by Jonas Bergman.

Winners: Lukas Philipsson Andersson and Gustaf Lundberg

Essay title: Generative AI for the IT consultant's competence development – A qualitative study on how generative AI can support the competence development of the IT consultant in Sweden

Citation: The scholarship is awarded to an essay that addresses a highly topical issue in an area of global importance: How can we harness the potential of generative AI to increase efficiency and productivity in society? The paper explores innovative applications of generative AI and presents concrete improvements in IT consultants’ working methods. These improvements have great practical significance in today’s technology-driven work environment. The essay provides a well-founded and structured analysis of how IT consultants' areas of expertise can be developed through generative AI, which also strengthens them in their role as digital business developers.

Best design studio project within the programme Digital Design and Innovation

The scholarship is awarded by the Sten Fåhré Foundation.

First prize: SEK 50,000

  • Students: Isak Airasmaa Storbjörk, Johanna Lago and Angelina Stefanović Andersson
  • Design project title: Gang prevention
  • Citation: The project addresses a contemporary societal problem at its root and aims to solve it by educating and strengthening young people’s ability to act and make decisions. The project shows a clear connection to user studies as well as facts and research. The problem is well-defined and positioned and linked to social sustainability. Results are well documented and communicable.

Second prize: SEK 25,000

  • Project: AI Study Bot
  • Students: Nathali Nicolle and Ragnar Gulin

Third prize: 2500 SEK

  • Project: Wellness DJ
  • Students: Mikaela Rosenström Bergkvist and Klara Eriksson

Third prize: 2500 SEK

  • Project: Kulturkvinnan
  • Students: Zainab Kadhum and Amanda Rosvall

Best student in the graduating class of the programme Digital Design and Innovation

The scholarship of SEK 15,000 is awarded by the Sten Fåhré Foundation.

Winner: Isak Airasmaa Storbjörk



