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Ladok (Doctoral Education)

Ladok is the University’s study documentation system.

What is documented in Ladok?

The Higher Education Ordinance governs what can be added in the system. There is also a special ordinance concerning the reporting of university studies etc. (SFS 1993:1153)

Regarding doctoral education, Ladok documents information concerning:

  • Admission, and the degree which granted you access
  • Supervisors
  • The doctoral student's activity and how this has been funded (more information below)
  • Completed courses
  • Registration number for the individual study plan
  • Credit transfers
  • Non-completion of the doctoral education
  • Approved doctoral thesis/licentiate thesis
  • Degree

Questions about Ladok

Questions about Ladok are answered by the Student Affairs Department, you can contact them by:

  • Login and register a case in Helpdesk
  • Send your inquiry to
  • Visit Service Center in the glass corridor (B Building). Open Monday to Friday 8.00–16.00.

Activity and funding

Twice a year, all doctoral students' study activity and funding must be reported in Ladok. The information is used partly by Statistics Sweden (SCB) and by the University for follow-up purposes.


Activity in Ladok is calculated as a percentage of full-time. If you devote all your working time to doctoral education during a semester, 100% activity must be reported for that semester. If you have 20% departmental duties during a semester you report 80% activity. Ladok has a calculation aid so you only need to know the date and % and Ladok will calculate the degree of activity for you. Short periods of absence are not taken into account. The total activity during four years of education is 800%, that is, eight semesters of 100%.


For each semester, the type of funding you have as a doctoral student is also reported. Examples of funding can be if you have been employed at the University as a doctoral student, other employment at the University, employed at another university, employed in the healthcare sector or employed by a company. This information is also reported in per cent.



