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Master's Programme (120 credits) in Information Technology

120 credits

As an information technologist, you can help solve many of society’s future challenges in, for example, autonomous vehicles and health care. This master’s programme develops your knowledge of information technology with a special focus on data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.

About the education

Innovative environments, methods and tools

The education at Halmstad University is characterised by our profiling as a university that drives innovation. This program is strongly linked to the University's research in AI and machine learning. The focus is on the development of digital services based on knowledge extracted from data.

Part of the programme is carried out together with master’s students in informatics. This gives you an interdisciplinary perspective and the opportunity to develop technical solutions that match existing needs in society.

Courses and competencies in focus

In the Master’s programme in Information Technology, you develop theoretical and practical skills for research, development and implementation of computer technology. The basis of the programme is a technical, software-based perspective on information technology in close collaboration with industry. As such, you will require good programming skills.

You obtain in-depth knowledge of computer science for the subject areas data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence, edge computing and internet of things, image analysis, big data parallel programming, data mining, digital service innovation, and deep learning. At the same time, you gain experience of project work linked to research and service development, all in an international environment.

The programme is conducted in English.

Collaboration opportunities

The programme is carried out in collaboration with industry and the public sector.

Programme content

The courses listed below are included in the programme starting autumn 2024.

Click on a linked course to search for the course syllabus, including course literature. Please note that you need to scroll down the page to find the syllabus.

* included in the programme main area Computer Science and Engineering.

Year 1

Year 2

  • Data Mining, 7.5 credits *
  • Digital Service Innovation, 7.5 credits *
  • Deep Learning, 7.5 credits *
  • Thesis, 30 credits *

Elective courses: 

  • Computer Vision in 3D, 7.5 credits *
  • Artificial Intelligence for Health, 7.5 credits *
  • Intelligent Vehicles, 7.5 credits *

Entry requirements

Information about entry requirements is available in the information box under the page picture. Click on "show education info" to learn more. Please be aware that you must prove that you fulfill the entry requirements in programming by submitting syllabi of programming courses from your transcript of records, that include course content and learning objectives that fit the requirement. The course syllabi must be issued by the university in which the course were given, and should be uploaded at, together with other required documents. There are no formalized templates or standards required for these documents.

After the education


The programme leads to a Degree of Master of Science (120 credits) with a major in Computer Science and Engineering.

Opportunities for further studies

After the programme, you are qualified to apply for doctoral or PhD studies, for example in the University's third cycle courses in information technology.


The Master's programme in Information Technology prepares you for an advanced development role within the industry.


Autumn 2024 (Campus based, Halmstad, 100%)
Programme Director:


Advanced level

Application code:


Entry requirements:

Degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering or Degree of Bachelor of Science in an engineering subject. 90 credits in computer engineering, computer science or electrical engineering including 15 credits programming in generic languages (e.g., Python/C/C++/Java/Matlab or similar) and thesis 15 credits. 30 credits mathematics including calculus, linear algebra and transform methods. The degree must be equivalent to a Swedish kandidatexamen or Swedish högskoleingenjörsexamen and must have been awarded from an internationally recognised university. Applicants must have written and verbal command of the English language equivalent to English course 6 in Swedish Upper-Secondary School.

Selection rules:

Selection is made on the basis of the required educational background.

Instructional time:


Language of instruction:

Teaching is in English.

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