Resilience and mental health among students at sports high school during Covid-19 pandemic
In the spring of 2020, the world was hit by the Covid-19 pandemic (C-19), which affected the lives of many people. School education was clearly affected and for students at sports-oriented high schools in Sweden (Nationella idrottsgymnasium, NIU), the C-19 situation meant more personal responsibility for theoretical knowledge acquisition and planning of physical training. For some students, this changed form of teaching and training led to significant problems and negative challenges, while for others it meant opportunities for developed self-responsibility and increased self-insight. Achieving a positive function in the face of adversity serves as an appropriate criterion for further study.
Research on C-19, social distancing and how it affects young people's health related to the closure of schools is a frequented discussed topic today. This applies not least to issues relating to mental ill health issues (see e.g., Viner et al., 2020). However, few studies have focused on psychosocial health factors related to school student's resilience and adaptive experiences from the spring 2020 school closure at NIU schools. Scientific documentation of this phenomenon offers several important opportunities for advice to NIU and related schools regarding recommendations aimed for further research.
About the project
The main purpose of the project is to investigate psychosocial factors that characterize NIU students who have handled everyday life in a developing way and experienced increased self-insight in relation to the C-19 situation. But also, key lessons that sport students have experienced six months and one year after the outbreak of the pandemic aimed to develop increased preparedness for future unexpected adversities.
During the project, an interview guide was developed for focus groups where ten groups, comprising both male and female team and individual sport students, were interviewed. Data was collected during autumn 2020, and follow-up interviews were conducted in spring 2021 to study their life situations and understand these in relation to time, place and context. This study has contributed to further research focusing on mental and physical health issues related to Covid-19, but it has also increased knowledge about sport students' resilience regarding stress factors and positive experiences during the pandemic.
Separate studies have been conducted on sports college students and sports college teachers. In a final study, these groups were studied together. In brief, results from the final study show that secondary school students at sports colleges (NIU) were particularly vulnerable to the pandemic and its associated restrictions. Teachers at sports colleges were also affected by the pandemic. The combined experiences of both sports college students and their teachers provide unique insight into their everyday life experiences, personal development and wellbeing.
About the project
Project period:
- 2021-01-01 to 2025-12-31
- Centrum för idrottsforskning (CIF)
- Sannarpsgymnasiet, Halmstad
- Aspero Idrottsgymnasium, Halmstad
- Urban Johnson, Professor, Halmstad University
- Krister Hertting, Docent, Halmstad University
- Andreas Ivarsson, Professor, Halmstad University
- Eva-Carin Lindgren, Professor, Halmstad University
- Linus Jonsson, Senior Lecturer, Halmstad University
Peer-review publications
- Johnson, U., Hertting, K., Lindgren, E-C., & Jonsson, L. (2025). Dealing with uncertainty: A secondary analysis of student-athletes and teachers' experiences in the aftermath of COVID-19. Sport, Education and Society.
- Jonsson, L., Hertting, K., Lindgren, E. C., & Johnson, U. (2024). “A roller coaster, both emotionally and work-wise…”: teachers in Swedish certified sport-oriented upper secondary schools experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic. European Journal for Sport and Society, 1–22.
External link.
- Hertting, K., Johnson, U., Lindgren, E-C, Ivarsson, A. (2023) “Someday it will be better again”: upper-secondary student-athletes experiences of schoolwork and sport 7 and 14 months after the COVID-19 outbreak. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research.
External link.
- Johnson, U., Hertting, K., Ivarsson, A., & Lindgren, E-C. (2022). Favorable Adaptation During SARS-cov-2-Pandemic as Told by Student-Athletes’. A Longitudinal and Behavioral Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 12512.
External link.
Conference Proceedings (peer-review)
- Johnson, U., Jonsson, L., Lindgren, E-C., Ivarsson, A., & Hertting, K. (2024). The double lockdown: School closure and limited opportunities to practice sport among Swedish student-athletes during the COVID-19 pandemic. FEPSAC congress 2024: Performance under Pressure in Sports, Military/Police, Performing arts, Medicine, Business and Daily life, p. 180.
- Jonsson, L., Hertting, K., Lindgren, E-C., Ivarsson, A., Johnson, U. (2024). Dealing with uncertainty: Student-athletes and teachers in Swedish certified sport-oriented upper secondary schools experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic. FEPSAC congress 2024: Performance under Pressure in Sports, Military/Police, Performing arts, Medicine, Business and Daily life, 180.
- Johnson, U., Hertting,H., Lindgren, E-C., & Ivarsson, A. (2022). Student-Athletes’ Voices about the Covid-19 Situation at Sport-Oriented High Schools in Sweden: Focus on Favorable Adaptation. SVEBI conference,
- Johnson, U., Hertting,H., Ivarsson, A., & Lindgren, E-C. (2021). Supporting Psychological Needs and Performance Needs of Student-Athletes throughout the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Study of Favorable Adaptation. International Conference on mental dimension and coaching for sport performance 25-26 November, INSEP, Paris.
Scientific Reports (no peer-review)
- Johnson, U, Hertting, K., Ivarsson, A., & Lindgren, E-C. (2022). Att leva i en berg- och dalbana – Elever vid nationellt godkända idrottsutbildningar om coronapandemins effekter (pp. 141-161). Statens stöd till idrotten. Uppföljning 2021. Centrum för Idrottsforskning.