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Dual careers at Swedish sports universities – a longitudinal study of the experiences of elite sports students

The purpose of this national project in collaboration with the National Sports Association is to follow, for four years, elite sports students’ experience of a dual career, i.e. to combine elite sports and university studies, at a National Sports University (RIU) or Elite Sports Friendly University (EVL).

This is a continuation of a project that ran during 2020–2022 with the same focus. Through an annual RIU/EVL barometer based on national strategies and international research, we follow elite sports students and their:

  1. competencies and coping strategies,
  2. advantages and barriers of dual careers,
  3. support,
  4. health and wellness, and
  5. satisfaction with a dual career and support at RIU/EVL.

The partial results of the project are reported annually to all 21 RIU/EVL universities in Sweden and to the National Sports Association to contribute to the development of support for elite sports students at universities around Sweden.

About the project

Project period

  • 2023–2026

Project manager

Other participating researchers

Collaboarion partners

  • All RIU/EVL universities in Sweden (21)


  • The National Sports Association, through collaboration with Halmstad University as a National Sports University



