DHC Annex TS2
The project DHC Annex TS2 is aimed at facilitating the implementation of 4th generation District Heating (4GDH).
Third Generation District Heating (3GDH) technology is the current norm. It was implemented when fossil fuels were is use and when buildings had high heat demands. We are now experiencing a development transforming the preconditions for district heating. Renewable energy sources and near zero energy buildings are becoming the norm. In addition to conventional renewable energy flows such as solar and wind energy, there are also low temperature heat sources readily available in cities (in metro systems, ventilation systems, from chilling processes, sewage water and other). The ambition of the 4GDH technology is to reuse such, low-temperature, heat sources. Doing so enables cities to meet heat and hot water demands with the heat generated by citizens in their every day lives: supporting the development of smart cities.