Halmstad University Dissertations
Doctoral and licentiate theses from Halmstad University are published by Halmstad University Press in the publication series Halmstad University Dissertations. The theses are published in both digital and printed formats, and the digital copy is available in DiVA, Digitala vetenskapliga arkivet.
Publish your thesis
As a doctoral student, you can find extensive information regarding the production, distribution, and communication surrounding dissertations in the university's doctoral guide. There, you can read about the procedures and timelines to be followed. There is also information available on the preparation of the doctoral thesis/licentiate thesis and e-publishing on the internal employee website, Insidan, under the section "Rutiner i samband med disputation/licentiatseminarium" (only in swedish).
Halmstad University Doctoral guide
Rutiner i samband med disputation/licentiatseminarium (swe) External link.
When the Committe for Doctoral Education (FUU) has made a decision regarding the doctoral candidate's disseration, the publisher is notified. The publisher assigns an ISBN for both the printed and digital copies, as well as a series number, and then emails this information to the doctoral student.
Dissertation template
The University has developed a mandatory template for the layout of the doctoral dissertations/licentiate theses. The template includes instructions that must be followed. It is beneficial for the doctoral candidate to use the template from the beginning of the writing process to ensure that the correct content, design and accessibility requirements are met.
Design and printing
All doctoral and licentiate theses published in the Halmstad University Dissertation series have a uniform design for the cover and titel page. It is importent to follow the template provided for the thesis. The printer Media-Tryck ensure the layout of the theses. Media-Tryck offers the university´s doctoral students a free online course titled " Formatting and Delivering a Print-Ready Thesis as PDF". The course helps you to avoid the most common issues when compiling your thesis into a print file.
Read more about the design and publication of theses on Halmstad University´s website under "Production and distribution of doctoral and licentiate thesis plus communication".
As a doctoral student, you must register your thesis in DiVA at least three weeks before the doctoral defence. Keep in mind that if it´s a comprehensive summary, only the so-called "kappan" should be uploaded to DiVA. You will receive a file from Media-Tryck that contains only "Kappan", meaning that the individual papers have been removed from the thesis.When the thesis is registered in DiVA, it may take a few days for the publication to be reviewed and approved, so plan ahead. Once completed, a so called "e-spiknings"-receipt is send to the doctoral student.
Distribution of the printed copies
The doctoral student submits a form to the Committe for Doctoral Education (FUU) to establish the distribution list. The printing press delivers the printed copies to Campus Services, which distributes the thesis to those listed on the approved distribution list. One copy is sent to the library, which creates a catalog entry in the national library catalog, Libris, and then places a printed copy for loan in the library.