Social byggnorm – how architecture and social relations affect each other
Social byggnorm (social construction norms) is an initiative aiming to develop equal physical work environments. Together with Carlstedt architects, researchers have developed building norms that make light of how architecture and social relations affect each other. The project also aims to contribute to new ways of thinking, designing and building public spaces.
”We know that there is a connection between the physical environment and social relations and that they influence each other.”
Emma Börjesson
An example presented in Social byggnorm entails changing rooms at fire stations from an equality perspective. That all started in research and development within the innovation- and collaboration project FIRe, Future Inclusive Rescue service, which is about using norm criticism to examine, challenge and change the physical environment at fire stations.

“We know that there is a connection between the physical environment and social relations and that they influence each other. That is why it is important to think about equality when building and renovating spaces”, says Emma Börjesson, project coordinator at Halmstad University and project leader for the project Social byggnorm, and continues:
“The Fire Prevention Association that we collaborated with in this project is very positive and has decided that Social byggnorm is a given foundation when renovating buildings or building new ones”, says Emma Börjesson.
Text: Kristina Rörström
Translation: Linnéa Andersson
Photo: Social byggnorm
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Article in Swedish: Social byggnorm – hur arkitektur och sociala relationer påverkar varandra External link.