Finance, 7.5 credits
Finansiering, 7,5 hp
Course code: FÖ4002
School of Business, Innovation and Sustainability
Level: First cycle
Select course syllabus
Finalized by: Forsknings- och utbildningsnämnden, 2024-09-18 and is valid for students admitted for spring semester 2025.
Main field of study with advanced study
Business Administration, First cycle, has less than 60 credits in first-cycle course/s as entry requirements. (G1F)Entry requirements
The courses Management Accounting 7.5 credits, Financial Accounting 7.5 credits, Organization and Leadership 7.5 credits and Marketing I 7.5 credits. English 6.
Placement in the Academic System
The course is included in Construction and Real Estate Business Programme and is given as a single subject course.
The aim of the course is for the student to develop a basic understanding of different financial consequences of different decisions in the company. The student must further develop an understanding of how different basic concepts and methods regarding financing are connected, e.g. regarding the link between cash flow and balance sheet. Examples of aspects that are highlighted in the course are e.g. liquidity budget, working capital requirements, key financial indicators, in addition, the function of the capital market is introduced. Furthermore, the course emphasizes the importance of including both sustainability and gender equality aspects in the valuation of a company.
Following successful completion of the course the student should be abel to:
Knowledge and understanding
- define and explain various basic concepts, methods and models in corporate finance
- explain the market valuation of a listed company using basic valuation models
- explain how, and why, social sustainability and gender equality are important aspects for companies to work with.
Skills and ability
- create a simulable financial model that reflects the value of a construction / real estate company
- analyze and explain how aspects concerning gender equality and social sustainability can have an impact on a company's long-term value
- explain and show understanding of how a company's different financial flows are interlinked
Judgement and approach
- evaluate and compare different financing options for a company in relation to its situation
The course contains the following areas:
- Basic methods for valuing assets, e.g. the net present value method.
- The company's financial flows, e.g. described in key financial indicators, cash flow analysis or the balance sheet.
- The basics of company valuation and how the value of a company can be affected by sustainability and gender equality aspects.
Language of Instruction
Teaching Formats
The teaching consists of lectures, exercises and seminars.
Grading scale
Examination formats
Examination takes place in the form of an individual written examination and an assignment. Grades for the entire course are governed by the exam.
Attendance at the final seminar for the pm assignment is compulsory.
2201: Individuall Examination, 4.5 credits
Three-grade scale (UV): Fail (U), Pass (G), Pass with distinction (VG)
2202: PM, 3 credits
Two-grade scale (UG): Fail (U), Pass (G)
Exceptions from the specified examination format
If there are special reasons, the examiner may make exceptions from the specified examination format and allow a student to be examined in another way. Special reasons can e.g. be study support for students with disabilities.
Course evaluation
Course evaluation is part of the course. This evaluation offers guidance in the future development and planning of the course. Course evaluation is documented and made available to the students.
Course literature and other materials
Literature list 2025-01-20 – Until further notice
Brealey, R., Myers, S. & Allen, F. Principles of Corporate Finance. International edition, McGrawHill, latest edition
Articles on social sustainability and gender equality according to the examiner's instructions.