Heating, Cooling and Indoor Climate, 7.5 credits
Uppvärmning, kyla och inomhusklimat, 7,5 hp
Course code: BF8004
School of Business, Innovation and Sustainability
Level: Second cycle
Select course syllabus
Finalized by: Forsknings- och utbildningsnämnden, 2024-09-18 and is valid for students admitted for spring semester 2025.
Main field of study with advanced study
Construction Engineering with Specialisation in Renewable Energy, Second cycle, has second-cycle course/s as entry requirements. (A1F)Entry requirements
Energy Efficiency and Moisture Control in Buildings 7.5 credits. English 6.
Placement in the Academic System
The course is included in Master’s programme (120 credits) in Energy Smart Innovation in the Built Environment.
The course objective is for the student starting from an overall picture, to develop a deeper understanding of the essential elements for peoples’ experience of the indoor climate and impact on human health. The course objective is further, for the student to develop knowledge on how to achieve a good indoor climate simultaneously with low energy use. The student should independently and creatively with a holistic view, be able to identify, formulate and manage question formulation. Furthermore, to analyse and evaluate technical solutions contributing to a good indoor environment in premises as well as indoor dwellings.
Following successful completion of the course the student should
Knowledge and understanding
- in view of current research account for the building as a synergy of systems
- from a holistic perspective account for the relation between a building’s indoor climate and the dwellers well-being
- explain the importance of a good indoor environment from an energy smart perspective as well as from an economic and innovation perspective
Skills and ability
- independently dimension heating and heating systems and ventilation systems for various kinds of buildings
- calculate and account for energy efficiency measures without negative effects for the indoor climate or the environment
- critically and systematically integrate knowledge and analyse and assess complex, synergistic systems based on limited information
Judgement and approach
- critically analyse and assess various methods to achieve thermal and hygienic comfort
- critically assess and evaluate efficiency measures within an energy economic systems thinking, and with regard to scientific, societal, equal and ethical aspects
- assess and relate to systems technical research within renewable energy and sustainable building; see the opportunities and limitations, and identify the own need for further knowledge and independently take responsibility for one’s knowledge development
The basis is the buildings’ synergistic systems, and their impact on the indoor climate. Various heating systems are studied such as district heating, heat pumps, bioenergy and solar heating. Moreover, ventilation systems such as natural ventilation, mechanical exhaust ventilation, and both supply and exhaust ventilation with and without heat exchanger, hvac-systems, and various buildings’ heat capacity. Heat and ventilation and distribution of air flow in a specific room, are studied as well as operating and energy use. Furthermore, how the building’s construction is impacting the indoor climate and how heating and ventilation are distributed and controlled within the building.
Language of Instruction
Teaching Formats
The teaching consists of lectures, exercise sessions, project work and a seminar.
Teaching is in English.
Grading scale
Examination formats
Examination consists of written examination, project work and compulsory seminar
1901: Examination, 3.5 credits
Six-grade scale, letters (FA): Insufficient (F), Sufficient (E), Satisfactory (D), Good (C), Very Good (B), Excellent (A)
1902: Project Work, 3 credits
Two-grade scale (UG): Fail (U), Pass (G)
1903: Seminar, 1 credits
Two-grade scale (UG): Fail (U), Pass (G)
Exceptions from the specified examination format
If there are special reasons, the examiner may make exceptions from the specified examination format and allow a student to be examined in another way. Special reasons can e.g. be study support for students with disabilities.
Course evaluation
Course evaluation is part of the course. This evaluation offers guidance in the future development and planning of the course. Course evaluation is documented and made available to the students.
Course literature and other materials
Literature list 2025-01-20 – Until further notice
Abel, E & Elmroth, A. Buildings and Energy – a systematic approach. Formas, latest edition.
Frederiksen, Svend & Werner, Sven. District heating and cooling. Studentlitteratur, latest edition.
Reference literature:
Nilsson, Per Erik. Achieving the desired indoor climate energy efficiency aspects of system design. Studentlitteratur, latest edition.