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Sustainable development policy

Sustainability and sustainable development are some of the greatest challenges of our time, and every decision, measure and action has a sustainability dimension. Halmstad University has adopted a policy for sustainable development. Through education, research and in collaboration with other actors in society, the University contributes to sustainable societal development.

Halmstad University is considered to be of the best universities in Sweden when it comes to environmental issues and energy efficiency. However, this does not mean that the sustainability work is complete. The University works actively with sustainability issues and the policy is part of this work.

Policy for sustainable development at Halmstad University

Halmstad University prepares people for the future by creating values, driving innovation and developing society. Research and higher education are important forces in society, not least to find solutions to societal challenges. By being a role model and through concrete educational and research efforts, the University can contribute to environmentally conscious, energetic and well-educated people participating and influencing society’s development from a sustainability perspective.

  • Internal collaboration and participation must permeate the University’s work to promote sustainable societal development.
  • Sustainability aspects, including equality work, must be taken into account in the University’s overall strategy documents and activity plans.
  • Collaboration with students, the surrounding society and other stakeholders where the work can promote sustainable societal development must be stimulated and supported.
  • Internationally competitive multidisciplinary research for sustainable innovations and sustainable societal development should be encouraged.
  • All complete educational environments must offer students educational elements in sustainable development.
  • The University must manage natural resources and work towards a sustainable campus environment.
  • The environmental legislation must be a minimum requirement in all University activities.



