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Environment and sustainable development

Together we are all facing a challenge, but also an opportunity, to contribute to achieving a sustainable society. Through education, research and in collaboration with other actors in society, Halmstad University plays an important role in creating conditions for and contributing to a more sustainable societal development.

Sustainable development policy

Sustainability and sustainable development are some of the greatest challenges of our time, and every decision, measure and action has a sustainability dimension. Halmstad University has adopted a policy for sustainable development. Through education, research and in collaboration with other actors in society, the University contributes to sustainable societal development.

Halmstad University is considered to be of the best universities in Sweden when it comes to environmental issues and energy efficiency. However, this does not mean that the sustainability work is complete. The University works actively with sustainability issues and the policy is part of this work.

The vision for Halmstad University is that the activities will create value, drive innovation and develop people and society for the future. Sustainable development is an important tool in the realisation of this vision.

The work towards sustainable sociatal development is well anchored in the vision and will transpire through the University’s activities, where processes and transparent communication will highlight both positive and negative impacts on a sustainable society.

The University’s commitments in sustainable development

The University supports the Climate framework for Swedish higher education institutions that the Association of Swedish Higher Education Institutions (SUHF) has developed, which sees the climate as a crucial and prioritised issue for the future. Therefore, the University undertakes to:

  • continue to contribute to society being able to achieve set goals through education, research and collaboration
  • reduce climate impact in line with society’s commitments as expressed in national and international agreements
  • set far-reaching goals for climate work and allocate resources to achieve these goals and carry out follow-ups
  • clearly communicate climate work to inspire and spread knowledge to other actors and to citizens
  • sustainability aspects will be integrated into the University’s regular activity planning, which means that the University will formulate goals and activities within the operations from the perspective of sustainable development
  • the University shall offer education and conduct research and innovation in sustainable development based on current and internationally competitive multi- and interdisciplinary knowledge in the field. Sustainable development shall be a quality mark for the University’s education and its research
  • the University shall contribute to lifelong learning in collaboration with other societal actors in the field of sustainable development
  • the University’s profiling and positioning shall have a stronger link to sustainable development. This ambition will be implemented in collaboration with the University’s two focus areas; Smart Cities and Communities and Health Innovation, by encouraging and creating good conditions for creative innovations in the field
  • the University will clearly communicate how the work with sustainable education is conducted and how it affects education and research
  • the University’s campus will be permeated by a sustainability perspective. Students and staff shall, in collaboration with other actors such as property owners and the municipality, work for a sustainable campus environment and
  • employees shall continuously get to develop their skills in order to be able to make good choices in line with sustainable development.

Environmental management system

Like other government agencies, Halmstad University has an obligation to work with sustainable development. Sustainable development must be promoted in order to ensure current and future generations a healthy and good environment, economic and social welfare and justice.



