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About ITE

The School of Information Technology (ITE) offers education on all levels, from undergraduate to PhD education, as well as education for professionals. Research is conducted within aware intelligent systems, smart electronic systems, cyber physical systems and digital service innovation. ITE is a multicultural school with around 130 employees from 20 different countries.

We prepare future innovators!

The School for Information Technology is organised into two departments and four technology areas, with responsibility for research and education within its area.

Organisational chart

The organisation of the School of Information Technology.


Management and administration

Programme Directors

Advisory board


  • Cristofer Englund

Representatives of the teaching staff:

  • Mark Dougherty
  • Struan Gray
  • Elena Haller
  • Eric Järpe
  • Susanne Lindberg
  • Johan Thunberg

Representatives of the students:

  • Isabella Bjelobrk
  • Tiago Fernandes Cortinhal (Ph.D. student)


Contact Jessika Andersson for questions regarding documents and protocols.


The management, administration and teachers/researchers have offices in E and F Buildings in the campus area. The students’ lab rooms, project rooms and lecture halls are buildings A, D and F. Leap for Life has its premises on the ground floor in A Building and Electronics Centre in Halmstad is in Z Building.

Campus map External link.



