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Personal vid Högskolan
Anders Hylmö
Universitetslektor, biträdande
Akademin för företagande, innovation och hållbarhet
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I am associate senior lecturer in innovation science, and hold a Phd in Sociology from Lund university. I am also research fellow at the international research centre R-QUEST (Center for Research Quality and Policy Impact Studies) at NIFU, Oslo, and affiliated with SWINNO (A database of Swedish innovations) at the Department of Economic History, Lund University.
My research interests span sociology of science/STS, social movement studies, research policy, innovation studies and sustainability transitions. I am particularly interested in connections between the social aspects (organization, funding patterns, quality evaluation, doctoral training, etc.) and the epistemic aspects of science, i.e. how various ways of organizing the production of knowledge affects the sort of knowledge produced.
My PhD thesis, Disciplined Reasoning (2018) I analyzed the reproduction of a disciplinary style of reasoning in modern economics, and its relation to the tensions between mainstream and heterodox economics, focusing on socialization in doctoral training, disciplinary boundary work transformed practices of scientific quality evaluation. The thesis was awarded the Katrin Fridjonsdottir Memorial Prize in the sociology of knowledge.
During 2018-2021 I did a postdoc in research policy in the project Värdet av centrumsatsningar (The Value of Centre of Excellence Initiatives), exploring the long term outcomes of collaborative research centers within two Swedish Centre of Excellence programs funded by Sweden’s Innovation Agency Vinnova.
In 2021-2022 I worked as a researcher in the SWINNO project, interviewing research managers at large Swedish industrial firms about the firms’ innovation histories.
I am currently engaged in the project Configurations for energy transitions, drawing on a mixed-methods configurational approach to understanding factors influencing the implementation of radical energy innovation in regional energy firms.