Undetected visual impairment
“Undetected visual impairment” is a research collaboration where the researchers will investigate undetected visual impairment, and whether diagnostics and treatment of visual impairment can be optimized by using existing technology in new areas. The project has received research funding from the Regional Fund Interreg Öresund-Kattegatt-Skagerack.
Identifying visual impairment at the right time means that fewer people have to live with the unnecessary consequences of visual impairment and thus receive earlier and better help. Early identification and treatment of visual impairment ensure increased function and independence as well as an increased well-being and quality of life for both people with visual impairment and their relatives.
The project Undetected visual impairment investigates undiagnosed visual impairment in the elderly in Öresund-Kattegatt-Skagerrak. There is a great need in the field for the development and testing of better innovative solutions for early identification and clarification of treatment for the elderly living with visual impairment. By using the great potential that lies in using existing technology in new areas, the project will optimize diagnostics and treatment of visual impairment.
The project is aimed at people who are over the age of 75. The participants are partly elderly who take part in the health talks offered via a health centre, elderly who visit an optician, and elderly who receive help via municipal home services in their own homes.
About the project
Project period
1 december 2022–30 november 2025
Project managers
- Ditte Hartvig, project leader for the entire project, Sjælland University Hospital
- Jeanette Källstrand, local project leader and Senior Lecturer in Caring Sciences, Halmstad University
Other participating researchers at Halmstad University
- Carina Göransson, Senior Lecturer in Caring Sciences
- Janicke Andersson, Docent in Social Work
- Ilze Lace, Senior Lecturer in Rural Sociology
Collaboration partners
Municipalities, opticians and universities in Skåne and Halland, Sweden, Hovedstaden and Sjælland in Denmark as well as Oslo and Agder in Norway.
Interreg Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak, who supports the project with 1 595 019 Euro