Green Gas Grid – Biogas as an enabler for a fossil free industry
The role of the biogas as an enabler in a conversion to renewable energy has recently been updated, since Europe has to lessen its dependence on Russian natural gas as it needs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
This research project is a southern-western Swedish collaboration in biogas develpment which has been led off by biogas networks, academia, the biogas industry, public actors and industrial companies, with the aim to create better prerequisite for a green conversion in the industries.
About the project
Project period
Project partners
- Region Skåne
- Region Västra Götaland
- Biogas Syd
- Biogas Väst
Project leader
- Marie Mattsson, Halmstad University
- Sabine Täuber
- Joel Karlberg
Participating researchers
- Region Skåne
- Västra Götalandsregionen
- Region Halland
- Länssytrelsen i Hallands län
- Perstorp AB
- Nordion Energi
- Gasum
- St1 Sverige
- Nature Energy