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Teaching and Learning Prize

The Research and Education Board (FUN) announces an educational prize to the teacher who has been particularly successful in developing students’ learning.

Smiling man looking into the camera. Photo.

Struan Gray, winner of the Teaching and Learning Prize in 2024. Photo: Dan Bergmark



Staff and students can nominate one or more candidates. The nomination should contain which of the three criteria the nomination is based on and a motivation.

A task force consisting of qualified / excellent teachers has the task of drawing up proposals for prize winners. The working group also includes an external person, knowledgeable in teaching and learning in higher education.

Announcement of the winner of the Teaching and Learning Prize takes place at the University’s academic ceremony.

The prize consists of participation in any European university education conference.

In order to spread experiences and ideas about university education, the prize winner will be asked to hold a lecture at the University Conference on teaching and learning in higher education.



