
Innovation Conference 2023

The Innovation Conference is an annual event arranged every September. In 2023, Halmstad University celebrated 40 years! The anniversary permeated the whole year, and also this year's innovation conference.

blue and white decorations hanging from a celing in a white and spacious building. photo.

The conference was arranged on campus the 20th of September.

This year's theme for the conference was 40 years – past, present, future, alumni. We looked back at what has made Halmstad University into the creative and innovative university we are today, and paid particular attention to our alumni. Among others, you meet Alumna of the year Anagha Anand and the University's Honorary Doctor in Information Technology Nicolas Hassbjer.

Participation was free of charge.

Presentations in English


Video greetings from alumni.


Anagha Anand, Alumna of the Year 2023 and Product Manager for Innovation at Bosch headquarters in Stuttgart (Master's Program in Industrial Organisation and Innovation).


Sanne Femling, IT Security Officer, Resurs Bank, (IT Forensics and Information Security) and one of the speakers at Women in Tech 2023.

signposts hanging from the celing - Halmstad University 40 years. Photo.



