17 March 2025
Erik Möllerström appointed new Dean at Halmstad UniversityErik Möllerström will be the new Dean at the School of Business, Innovation and Sustainability (FIH). With 13 years at Halmstad University, he is already a familiar face within the School and has built strong trust among both colleagues and management during his time as department head.
6 March 2025
Tricky when AI meets everyday life in primary careMany do, but there is a lack of knowledge about which way is best. It is about the use of AI tools in the patient’s first contact with primary care. Operational managers and others in leading roles in primary care do not want to miss the AI train. To get involved, they use a variety of strategies to overcome obstacles.
5 March 2025
Gaining acceptance and trust in highly regulated industriesHow do new companies and products gain acceptance and trust in highly regulated industries? Two examples are the gambling and life science industries, where innovation must be balanced against strict regulations and user safety. This question is explored in a new doctoral thesis from Halmstad University.
27 February 2025
Thoughtful choices when upper-secondary school students use AI in their schoolworkMany students use ChatGPT in their schoolwork. New research from Halmstad University shows that science and technology students in upper secondary school have good strategies in their use of AI. This is even though they overestimate their knowledge and actually have very little understanding of how such an advanced language model really works.
26 February 2025
Knowledgeable coaches help young people maintain the joy of sportsHow can we get more children and young people to continue playing sports? One answer to that question is to improve how adults treat young athletes. The coaches’ leadership skills play a key role in children’s and young people’s motivation, joy and self-esteem.
25 February 2025
Strong development for the University despite challengesHalmstad University had a solid development last year, with both a record number of applicants for educational programmes and positive results in a comprehensive research evaluation, despite financial challenges. This is how last year can be summarised when the University has submitted its annual report for 2024.
24 February 2025
Teaching AI to learn fasterMost artificial intelligence (AI) models many examples to be able to learn new things, which can be problematic when there is a lack of data. However, the results of Anna Vettoruzzo’s doctoral studies could change the way AI is used in areas where data collection is expensive or impractical, such as healthcare and autonomous systems.
18 February 2025
Kristian Widén appointed new Deputy Vice-Chancellor for collaboration and innovationKristian Widén has been appointed Deputy Vice-Chancellor with responsibility for collaboration and innovation at Halmstad University. He is a Professor of Innovation Science focusing on Construction Management and leads the University’s focus area Smart Cities and Communities, a role he will continue alongside his duties as Deputy Vice-Chancellor. He will assume his new position on 1 March.
11 February 2025
New research guides small businesses into the world of blockchainSmall businesses account for a large portion of jobs and innovation in society. But how can they benefit from blockchain technology, which is often associated with large corporations? In her dissertation, Zara Zamani, a PhD student at Halmstad University, presents a framework that helps small businesses succeed in blockchain adoption in an ever-changing digital landscape.
6 February 2025
Halmstad University sports research among the top 150 in the worldHalmstad University’s research in sports science is ranked among the world’s top 101–150 universities in the 2024 Global Ranking of Sport Science Schools and Departments, conducted by Shanghai Ranking.