Ship crew safety training for Resilience
A ship crew's crisis preparedness and ability to handle unexpected emergencies such as fire, personal injury or evacuation are of decisive importance for safety on board. Training for the unpredictable is a challenge, but an important part of preparing for different types of crises and a prerequisite for being able to handle them. The purpose of this project has been to analyse safety training in Swedish shipping in order to develop pedagogical suggestions for professional learning and increased maritime safety.
The analysis has aimed both at the basic training given to future naval commanders and marine engineers within the framework of the maritime colleges' safety training, but also the recurring safety training that is conducted on board ships with professional seafarers.
Professional learning in relation to practical know-how
In the project, a particular focus has been placed on understanding professional learning and preparedness in relation to an embodied practical know-how and how this is developed through simulation-based learning, which is an established educational strategy in shipping. The project has also investigated how simulation and embodied practical know-how relate to the resilience perspective dominant in safety research, which understands preparedness as the ability to flexibly adapt one's performance to prevailing conditions, detect and react to risks, redistribute resources and find new solutions in complex situations.
The data collection took place through a number of different methods, with both qualitative and quantitative approaches. A larger observational study was carried out at two of the country's maritime training centers and interviews and focus groups were held with students, instructors and experienced seamen alike. In addition, an extensive survey study aimed at Swedish sea personnel was carried out as well as an observation during a large-scale exercise on a passenger ferry involving crew, extras and rescue personnel from shore.

Photo: Martin Viktorelius
Wide range of skills underlies crisis preparedness
The results show the complexity of the composition of the wide range of situated skills and abilities that underlies students' (prospective seamen's) crisis preparedness. Experiences found to be important for learning range from individuals' emotional and sensory experiences and familiarity with equipment to collective action and intersubjectivity. The results speak for the importance of instructor-led safety training during the training of naval commanders and naval engineers, where the foundation for crisis preparedness and continued learning within the future service is laid. The work-integrated safety training on board has the potential to deepen crews' knowledge and ability to handle complex situations under stress. The project's contribution lies, in addition to the empirical analysis of today's safety training, in a conceptual framework for simulations on board ships that can be used by shipping companies and educational institutions to strengthen their own educational activities.
About the project
Project period
- 2020–2023
Project leader
- Carl Hult, Professor, Kalmar Maritime Academy, Linnaeus University
Other participating researchers
- Martin Viktorelius, PhD and Associate Senior Lecturer, Halmstad University
- Gesa Praetorius, The Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI)
- Charlott Sellberg, Gothenburg University
- The Swedish Mercantile Marine Foundation
- Viktorelius, M. & Sellberg, C. (2022). Bodily-awareness-in-reflection: Advancing the epistemological foundation of post-simulation debriefing. Educational Philosophy and Theory. DOI: 10.1080/00131857.2022.2138337
External link.
- Viktorelius, M. & Sellberg, C. (2022). The Lived Body and Embodied Instructional Practices in Maritime Basic Safety Training. Vocations and Learning 15, 87–109. DOI: 10.1007/s12186-021-09279-z
External link.
- Viktorelius, M., Sellberg, C., Hult, C., & Praetorius, G. (2023). Säkerhetsträning av Fartygsbesättningar för Resilience. Retrieved from Sjöfartshögskolan, Linnéuniversitetet website: