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Flexibility through heat pumps in thermal networks

The project aims to evaluate opportunities and potential to increase flexibility in the energy system by using heat pump technology connected to thermal networks.

By participating in IEA Heat Pumping Tehnologies – an organisation which works to ensure reliable, affordable and clean energy for its 30 member countries and beyond – the project aims to an international exchange of knowledge within the field.

The Swedish Energy Agency appraises that the project can lead to better control of power peaks and lower total cost through interaction and flexibility of networks. The results are assesed to become internationally transmitted and the competence is broad due to the presence of important purchasers.

About the project

Project period


Project leader

RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB

Participating universities

Lund University

Project partners

  • Francks Kylindustri
  • Göteborg Energi AB
  • Stockholm Exergi AB
  • Thermia AB
  • Utilifeed AB


Swedish Energy Agency



