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Take control of your future

Take control of your future

The world is full of uncertainty and challenges that sometimes feel too large to comprehend. Take control of your future by preparing for change and becoming an expert of the transitions ahead of us. Halmstad University offers 12 unique Master's programmes with a focus on trying to solve the challenges of tomorrow. As a young and innovative University we have the tools to make you the leaders of the change you want in the world. As if this was not enough, we believe you will have an unforgettable study experience where you create memories and friends for life.

4 reasons to study with us

Differences build strength

At Halmstad University, we believe that bringing people from different backgrounds together leads to innovative results. When an engineering student works on a task together with a business student, their different points of view will lead to a more creative solution to the problem. That's why our Master programmes combine studies in various subjects.

New teaching methods

If you choose to study with us, you will receive a modern education, characterised by creativity, gender equality, non-hierarchy and new teaching methods. Our lecturers dare to think outside the box and will encourage you to engage and question the topics you are studying. You will also use innovative digital learning tools during your education.

Collboration is key

During your education, you will get the opportunity to collaborate with companies and organisations related to your studies and take part in the development of our society. These collaboration projects enable you to build a professional network that is useful for your future career. By working on projects together with a company you exceed you chances to gain valuable contacts which can lead to a future employment.

Innovative environments

Sweden is ranked one of the most innovative countries in the world and at Halmstad University we place extra emphasis on creating innovative study environments where you are allowed to try your ideas. As a student you have access to several high-technology labs where you can get inspired and put your ideas into reality. The labs are natural meeting points for students, teachers and researchers and enable you to solve problems together.

Meet Alumna Anagha Anand

Previous student Anagha Anand studied the Master's Programme in Industrial Management and Innovation and is now a Global Product Manager for Innovation at Bosch in addition to being a great storyteller and public speaker. Have a look at this video portrait to see what she has to say about her time as a student at Halmstad University and how it has shaped the way she works as a professional.

Find out more about us

Watch our brand video

In this short video we have summarised what we stand for and what you can expect to experience as a student at Halmstad University. Have a look and get a glimpse of our beautiful campus and a sense of the student life in Halmstad.
