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Course syllabus

Sports Biomechanics, 7.5 credits

Sportbiomekanik, 7,5 hp

Course code: BT4005

School of Business, Innovation and Sustainability

Level: First cycle

Select course syllabus

2025-01-20 - Until further notice

Finalized by: Forsknings- och utbildningsnämnden, 2024-09-18 and is valid for students admitted for spring semester 2025.

Main field of study with advanced study

First cycle, has less than 60 credits in first-cycle course/s as entry requirements. (G1F)

Entry requirements

Anatomy and Physiology 7.5 credits and Functional Anatomy 7.5 credits. English 6. Exemption of the requirement in Swedish is granted.

Placement in the Academic System

Course is within the Exercise biomedicine program and as a single subject course.


The objective of the course is to study the foundations of biomechanics during sport and exercise. That is, the basic mechanics of human movement.

Following successful completion of the course the student should be able to:

Knowledge and understanding

  • describe and use terminology from the biomechanics field
  • discuss how biomechanical factors influence movement in sport and exercise
  • describe statics, kinematics and kinetics, and how it relates to human movement

Skills and ability

  • use biomechanics principles to analyze and evaluate movement and techniques in sport and exercise
  • apply a systematic approach to solve biomechanics problems
  • suggest changes in movement pattern and use of equipment to increase or decrease the biomechanical load

Judgement and approach

  • review effects of loads on human structures during foundational movements, such as gait, running and jumping.


Terminology, definitions and problem solving in basic mechanics, i.e. statics, kinematics and kinetics. Impact of mechanics during human movement.

Language of Instruction

Teaching is conducted in English.

Teaching Formats

Lectures, problem solving exercises, seminars and laborative work.

Teaching is in English.

Grading scale

Three-grade scale (UV): Fail (U), Pass (G), Pass with distinction (VG)

Examination formats

The examination consists of a written examination, written laboration report and seminar.

1903: Written Examination, 4.5 credits
Three-grade scale (UV): Fail (U), Pass (G), Pass with distinction (VG)

2201: Written Laboration Report, 2 credits
Two-grade scale (UG): Fail (U), Pass (G)

2202: Seminar, 1 credits
Two-grade scale (UG): Fail (U), Pass (G)

Exceptions from the specified examination format

If there are special reasons, the examiner may make exceptions from the specified examination format and allow a student to be examined in another way. Special reasons can e.g. be study support for students with disabilities.

Course evaluation

Course evaluation is part of the course. This evaluation offers guidance in the future development and planning of the course. Course evaluation is documented and made available to the students.

Course literature and other materials

Select literature list
2025-01-20 – Until further notice

Literature list 2025-01-20Until further notice

Finalized by: Forsknings- och utbildningsnämnden, 2024-09-18.

Linthorne, Nicolas P. Analysis of standing vertical jumps using a force platform. American Journal of Physics. Vol 69 (2011) nr. 11, s.1198-1204

McGinnis, Peter M., Biomechanics of Sport and Exercise. 4th edition. Human Kinetics.

Scientific articles from the university library.