The societal impact of our research
Our research shall be relevant to the society and contribute to solving societal challenges. It is therefore often conducted in collaboration with the private, public or non-profit sector. The following impact cases illustrate how Halmstad University – through the research within the focus area Health Innovation – contributes to sustainable development.
Collaboration creates growing ground societal impact
Collaboration creates the necessary and favorable conditions for societal impact. On this page, you find examples of impact cases that illustrate how our research collaboration contributes to solutions to urgent societal challenges.
Coach education
Research on children's and young people's enjoyment of sport strengthens the coach training in Swedish hockey in collaboration with the Swedish Ice Hockey Association. Impact case by Andreas Ivarsson, Professor of Psychology.
Sleep and ADHD
Research collaboration with BUP in Region Halland shows that weighted blankets are an effective alternative to medical treatment for children with ADHD and sleep problems. Impact case by Ingrid Larsson, Professor of Health and Lifestyle.
Impact case: Research on weighted blankets helps children with ADHD and sleep problems