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Here are some highlights from the history of the University.

In 1983, Halmstad University became an independent university, five years after the first courses had started. At that time, the University had 540 students and around 60 employees. Today, the University has roughly 12,000 students, 700 employees and offers around 50 educational programmes and 200 independent courses at various levels, for both national and international students. The University also the right to award doctorates in Innovation Science, Information Technology and Health and Lifestyle. It all started back in the 1970s when the N-committee was formed to prepare a future university in Halmstad.


The University celebrates 40 years as an independent institution with pride and festivity! The University’s first female Vice-Chancellor, Susanna Öhman, is inaugurated. The University hosts the international research conference Nordic Health Promotion Research Conference. Media and Communications mark 30 years with an alumni reunion, the Service Center turns ten years old, and the Pre-School Teacher Education celebrates 40 years. The King and Queen visit the University. Halmstad Municipality organises ’Guldmorgon’ on campus. A commemorative logo is created, along with a unique fanfare and an anniversary collection featuring sweaters and tote bags. Paulsson’s Bakery creates an anniversary cake for the University. Several of the Univeristy’s leaders and researchers write anniversary chronicles. Halmstad Student Union turns 40 and celebrates throughout the academic year 23/24

Three women dressed in merchandise behind falling confetti. Photo.

2023: The University celebrates 40 years as an independent institution.

A large open space with people milling about. The space is divided by several floors. Photo.

2022: Utexpo moves to the S building.

A man and a woman dressed in festive clothes stand on a stage lit up by spotlights. Photo.

2021: Timmie Hansson and Elin Kjellsson held the programme together during the digital graduation ceremony. Photo: Ida Fridvall

The picture shows a building in the background with trees in the foreground. Photo

2020: During the autumn the School of Business, Innovation and Sustainability moved into into the new S building which has been completely renovated with starting point in sustainability, indoor environment, collaboration and flexibility.


Halmstad is appointed The Student City of the Year by the Swedish National Union of Students, SFS, thanks to the close cooperation between the University, the Student Union and Halmstad Municipality. Common Core is launched – a concept with compulsory common courses for all students – after several years of preparation. A new external website and a student website are launched. The University gains rights to award bachelor's degrees in Social Work. Several large research projects within health innovation and smart cities and communities receive funding – many focusing on artificial intelligence and collaboration with the business and public sectors. The University Board decides on targets for the institution and the coming ten-year period.

Three people on a stage holding diplomas and flowers with confetti raining down on them. Everyone smiling. Photo.

2019: Halmstad is appointed The Student City of the Year by the Swedish National Union of Students, SFS, thanks to the close cooperation between the University, the Student Union and Halmstad Municipality.


The start of a new annual tradition – a new joint graduation ceremony for all students. Two new awards are established, Alumnus/Alumna of the Year and Student of the Year, and the University becomes a Swedish National Sports University. Two EU projects are granted funds: Digga Halland and Test Environment Halland. Pernilla Nilsson becomes new Pro Vice-Chancellor. Thorsteinn Rögnvaldsson becomes new Programme Manager for the Knowledge and Competence Centre Research for innovation. Anna Isaksson is appointed Programme Director for gender mainstreaming. The University’s two profile areas Health Innovation and Smart Cities and Communities got new Programme Managers: Jens Nygren and Magnus Jonsson respectively. Two new School Deans: Lena-Karin Erlandsson at the School of Health and Welfare, and Susanna Öhman at the School of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences.

Person on stage in front of arena full of spectators. Photo.

2018: the University celebrates its first joint graduation ceremony for all students. Photo: Anders Andersson

Portrait of a man with gray hair and black glasses. Photo.

2017: Stephen Hwang becomes Vice-Chancellor.


The collaboration arena and learning environment Health Lab is opened, the volume of research increases and applications from international students are almost doubled. The University continues to be a force in the development of the region, through (among other things) agreements with the municipality. Stephen Hwang is inaugurated as new Vice-Chancellor, Harald Castler takes over the presidency of the University Governing Board and Catarina Coquand becomes the new University Director. Anders Nelson becomes the first Deputy Vice-Chancellor with specific responsibility för collaboration, internationalisation and innovation. During the academic ceremony, three new professors are inaugurated and four new doctors are conferred. Hans-Erik Eldemark becomes the first person to receive the newly established Prize for Collaboration and Innovation.


In September, Vice-Chancellor Mikael Alexandersson leaves his position after five years at Halmstad University. Pro Vice-Chancellor Thorsteinn Rögnvaldsson substitutes as Vice-Chancellor during the recruitment process. On November 18, the University celebrates its academic ceremony for the tenth time and seven professors are inaugurated. Both the Digital Laboratory Center (DLC) and Fab Lab are opened. The profile area Smart Cities and Communities is established.


The Electronics Centre in Halmstad (ECH) is inaugurated. Several international collaborations in, among other places, China, Brazil, the United States and India, are started or strengthened. The University makes several major organisational changes: the five schools become four, the eight research environments become six and the administrative support is reviewed and reorganised. A new main entrance is built and Kafé Framkanten is opened.

Large audience in front of a white square building with the University logo. Photo.

2015: Helene Hellmark Knutsson, Minister for Higher Education and Research, inaugurates the Electronics Center in Halmstad (ECH). Photo: Joachim Brink


The number of educational programmes is heavily reduced while the level of research increases. Many educations are once again top ranked in societal collaboration. The theme Health Innovation, a University spanning venture, is launched, as well as a doctoral education in Health and Lifestyle. The Centre for Educational Development (HPC) is established at the University, as well as a Bennet professorship. The University's first education for Master of Science in Engineering also starts this year.


The University receives the right to independently conduct doctoral education and award doctorates for Health and Lifestyle. The University is also granted the right to award degrees of Master of Science in Engineering. In the same year, the University institutes the Assessment of Research and Coproduction, ARC13, – an international evaluation of all the University’s research where the University gets good results. Thorsteinn Rögnvaldsson is appointed Pro Vice-Chancellor and Pernilla Nilsson is appointed Deputy Vice-Chancellor. The University also celebrates its 30th anniversary and launches a new vision, logotype and graphic charter. A new, collective Service Centre is opened and the graduate school EISIGS starts.

Two girls holding blue balloons smiling at the camera. Photo.

2013: The University celebrates its 30th anniversary and launches a new logo.


This year marks the beginning of major change and profiling at the University. The focus is innovation and Innovation day is carried out and the book "Perspectives on Innovation" (svenska: Perspektiv på innovation") is published at the University. At the end of the year, the board of the Knowledge Foundation decides to grant the University SEK 70 million for research and co-production of innovation in the new Knowledge and Competence Centre. Center for Applied Intelligent Systems Research (CAISR) starts.


The University welcomes its new Vice-Chancellor Mikael Alexandersson. This is also the year the University is designated a Knowledge and Competence Centre by the Knowledge Foundation, named Research for Innovation. The University's first own doctor, Edison Pignaton de Freitas, is awarded a doctoral degree in Information Technology. The University appoints its first honorary doctor, Jan Einar Blomquist, Honorary Doctor in Innovation Science.


The University receives the right to conduct doctoral education and to award doctoral degrees in two areas: Information Technology and Innovation Sciences. Karin Starrin is appointed Chairman of the University Governing Board and Carina Ihlström Eriksson becomes Pro-Vice-Chancellor. It is no longer mandatory to join the Student Union.

Two hands clad in white gloves holding a black top hat. Photo.

2010: The University receives the right to conduct doctoral education and to award doctoral degrees in Information Technology and Innovation Sciences.


As the first small university, Halmstad University is given the right to award Master’s degrees in Business and Economics. This year also marks the beginning of the Health Technology Centre of Halland (Hälsoteknikcentrum Halland, HCH), supported by the European Regional Development Fund and Region Halland. Romulo Enmark is reappointed as Vice-Chancellor for a three-year period and six new Professors are appointed. A strategic milestone for the University is reached when the institution is accepted as a "candidate" to become a Knowledge and Competence Centre.


The University is awarded the right to offer Master’s degrees in Health Science. Science Park Halmstad is inaugurated and a new graphic charter is launched. The University celebrates its 25th anniversary with a large summer party and now has around 40 Professors.


The University's profiling in three areas of strength is gaining serious momentum. The University gains the right to award Master’s degrees in Computer Technology, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship. Six new Professors are inaugurated. The Teaching and Learning Prize is awarded for the first time, to Bertil Gustafsson, Lecturer in Pedagogy.


The University starts to adapt the education acording to the Bologna process and the newly-built Health and Sports Centre is inaugurated. Marita Hilliges is appointed Pro Vice-Chancellor and four new Professors are appointed. A strategic agreement is concluded with Jönköping University and the University of Skövde on research collaboration in the humanities and social sciences. It is the first time the University arranges Sommaröppet on a day in July. All of 1,100 people apply for the 33 courses that are offered within the Summer University. The graduate school in Entrepreneurship – health starts.


A strategic effort for education within "The Summer University" is made. The research profile CERES, Centre for Research on Embedded Systems, is started with support from the Knowledge Foundation. Halmstad University establishes a cooperation agreement with Örebro University and Skövde University on research within the field of technology. The Q building is openede and Romulo Enmark is reappointed Vice-Chancellor.


The first grants from Sten Fåhré’s Foundation are awarded. The University campus area is designated the Bærtling Quarter, featuring some of artist Olle Bærtling's works of art. The interdisciplinary Rydberg Laboratory is opened.


Halmstad University celebrates its 20th anniversary. The Utexpo student fair breaks the record for exhibitors with over 160 degree projects on display. The new student union building and the Wetland Research Centre is opened. Halmstad University appoints five new Professors. Extensive internal work to develop a new vision for the University: The cross-border University for innovation and creativity.


The independent introductory course is developed into a full college year. The Health Technology Alliance is created.


The University starts an independent introductory course for higher education.


The University is re-organised into interdisciplinary schools in order to promote interdisciplinarity and give the education a closer connection to research. Romulo Enmark is appointed Vice-Chancellor.


The University's first five Professors are inaugurated. The University starts using Dormer Tools' previous premises as the R building after having remodeled the building using a design by architect Leo Papini. Naturum (N building) is opened. Halmstad Municipality works with the vision of the Innovation City, which is a local collaboration between the municipality, the business sector and the University, where the University were to become the Innovation University.

Five people standing next to each other, smiling, all wearing blue capes and formal attire. Photo.

1999: The University's first five Professors are inaugurated.


Lars Fredén is appointed Vice-Chancellor. Josef Bigün is appointed the University's first Professor. The new University Library is opened and the University starts using the glass aisle.


The University is granted permission to establish a number of professorships. Teacher education starts. Centre for computer architecture, CCA, is remade into Centre for data science, CDV.


The University and the Centre for occupational development, CAU, receives the Government's equality prize for significant efforts to promote equality within universities.


The College of Nursing is integrated into the University and Centre for research about health development starts. HHUAB, the University's development company, is started.


The University receives the right to award Master's degrees within several areas. The incubator Innovationsgruppen starts.


IDE-rum (T building) with four work shops used for teaching and making prototypes as well as the lecture hall building Visionen is opened. The University's experiment house is being built.


The European Business Programme starts and gains national attention. Halmstad's new skyscraper Trade Center is opened and becomes a symbol for the young, modern university.


The technology park Teknocenter is formed.


The University becomes coordinator for the EU network WITEC (Women in Technology), part of the EU programme Comett, which aims to increase the number of women in the areas of technology and natural science.


Education for mechanical engineers starts. The University aims high with internationalisation and what is referred to as science outreach. That is, on top of conducting education and research, universities work to promote public awareness and understanding of science.


The University moves to Larsfrid in the eastern part of Halmstad. E and F buildings are opened. Centre for occupational development, CAU starts.

Man standing outside, next to a large sign with the old Halmstad University logo on it. Black and white photo.


Education Economy with ADB specialisation starts. Pre-School teacher education expands to 90 spots.


The University has severe problems with space. Centres for reserach are started, first up is the Centre for image processing and data analysis, CBD.


The education for innovation engineers becomes three years. Tylösand's research centre and techonolgy park starts.


Education in sports pedagogy starts. The University has a total of 64 employees: 42 teachers and 20 technical/administrative staff


Halmstad University is formally inaugurated as an independent University and has 540 students. Sven-Ove Johansson is appointed Vice-Chancellor.


The institution is established in the western part of Halmstad. Education in Business Administration starts.

Two people standing outside building holding a sign. Black and white photo.

1982: Jan Arvidsson and Agneta Hansson outside Eketångaskolan to where the University moves.


Degree programmes and courses for pre-school teachers and innovation engineers start.


Education for after school teachers starts and the institution begins to offer individual courses in sports education. This is the start of sports pedagogy.


This year marks the beginning of higher education. Jan Arvidsson is in charge.


The County Committee for post-secondary education in Halland is formed.


Halmstad is appointed by the Swedish Parliament as the site of a higher education institution.


Pre-school teacher education is established as a pilot project.


The N-committee is set up to pave the way for a university in Halmstad.



