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Halmstad Colloquium

Halmstad Colloquium is an international speaker series open to the public. The lectures are also filmed and published on the University’s Youtube channel.

Distinguished speakers from universities, research organisations and companies around the world are invited to Halmstad Colloquium to talk about topics related to the research environment Embedded and Intelligent Systems (EIS). The speaker series was founded by Walid Taha at the School of Information Technology in 2012.

”We gather the most renowned researchers within their fields, and make it possible for interested viewers around the world to listen to their talks.”

Walid Taha, Professor in Computer Science at the School of Information Technology and founder of Halmstad Colloquium

 Picture of a woman in a pulpit. Photo.

Maria Strømme, Professor of Nanotechnology at Uppsala University, gave an inspiring lecture at Halmstad University on October 16, 2018, about the endless possibilities with nanotechnology.



