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Workshop: Lets cooperate for sustainable energy in cities!

Halmstad University and the research program ProActS are delighted to invite you to an exciting workshop where we will explore how industry, policymakers, and academia can collaborate to create and implement sustainable energy solutions.

The morning will kick off with an inspiring presentation of the RES4City research project, followed by insights into Halmstad Universitys successful research on district heating. You will also learn about the local research project Ranagård, where a new system for more efficient district heating through lower temperatures has been implemented. This project will be the focus of a panel discussion featuring researchers, industry representatives, and policymakers.

After these insightful presentations, you will have the opportunity to actively participate in group discussions where we will identify shared opportunities and challenges in our collaboration on these critical issues.

Well wrap up the morning with a pleasant lunch, providing a great chance to network and continue the conversations in a relaxed atmosphere.

We warmly welcome you your participation is key to building a sustainable future together!

Please note that capacity is limited to 40 participants, so secure your spot soon! We eagerly anticipate your participation.

Registration is required.