Sök Stäng

Tjänstedesign baserad på dataanalys

3 hp

Kursens mål är att studenten utvecklar kunskap om hur data och algoritmer kan påverka affärsstrategi och tjänstedesign. Kursen undersöker den underliggande digitala teknologi som digitala tjänster är beroende av. I synnerhet undersöks och analyseras sambandet mellan tjänstedominerande logik, algoritmiska och datadrivna tjänster och affärsstrategi från ett antal fall och exempel. Kursen ingår i programmet MAISTR (hh.se/maistr) där du som deltagare kan läsa hela programmet eller enstaka kurser. Kursen är för yrkesverksamma och ges på distans på engelska. Anmälan är öppen så länge det finns möjlighet att bli antagen.

About the course Service Design Based on Data Analytics, 3 credits

Who is this course for?
This course is for professionals who want to understand the challenges and opportunities in the overlap between AI, data science, and Service Design.

What will you learn from this course?
The aim of the course is for the student to understand how data and algorithms can affect business strategy and service design. The course looks at the underlying digital technology that digital service innovation is dependent on. In particular, the relationship between service-dominant logic, algorithmic and data-driven services, and business strategy is analyzed from a number of cases and examples. The central concepts of the course (e.g. service-dominant logic, business and societal impact of data-driven services, and human-centered service design) are inspected from several perspectives, including ethics, business strategy, sustainability, and personal integrity.

Primary contents
The course looks at the underlying digital technology that digital service innovation is dependent on. In particular, the relationship between service-dominant logic, algorithmic and data-driven services, and business strategy is analyzed from a number of cases and examples. The central concepts of the course (e.g. service-dominant logic, business and societal impact of data-driven services, and human-centered service design) are inspected from several perspectives, including ethics, business strategy, sustainability, and personal integrity.
