
Biomedicin – inriktning träningsfysiologi på Utexpo

På den här sidan har deltagarna på Utexpo sammanfattat sina projekt. Här kan du upptäcka och läsa om spännande projekt från programmet Biomedicin – inriktning träningsfysiologi.

Active vs Passive commuters

  • Participant: Elin Dahl.

Commuting to work is part of daily life for many adults. While driving is a predominant mode of transport, switching to active commuting, like walking or cycling, can increase physical activity in daily life, and thus lower risk of diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases etc. Active commuters have lower risk of cardiovascular disease compared to passive commuters. Cycling to work can improve cardio fitness (CF), lower blood pressure, and reduce body mass index (BMI).

This bachelor thesis investigates the differences between active and passive commuters in terms of CF, blood pressure, and BMI. A total of 13 participants were recruited for the study and categorized into active and passive commuters based on their mode of transportation to work. CF was obtained by a test called the Ekblom-Bak cycle test, blood pressure obtained from automatic blood pressure monitor, and BMI calculated from weight and height measurements. Participants reported their commuting methods and their level of physical activity in a questionnaire.

The groups did not differ significantly when looking at blood pressure or BMI. The passive commuters did show better CF compared to the active commuters, although not statistically significant. Both groups demonstrated relatively high levels of CF, and majority of the participants in both groups had moderate to high levels of physical activity in their daily life.

Even though this study did not yield any significant results, likely due to the limited number of participants, previous research has shown that active commuting has a beneficial impact on CF, blood pressure, and BMI, all of which contribute to improve health outcomes. This study highlights the importance of physical activity.

Acute effect of moderate physical activity on executive function in female soccer players

  • Participant: Magdalena Cruz Aliaga.

Executive functions (EF) help the individual to manage thoughts and actions to achieve specific goals. The importance of EF may play a pivotal role in the performance of an athlete, in certain types of sports, allowing athletes to make tactical and quick decisions while maintaining focus under pressure. Many researchers have presented a clear result in their studies, indicating that athletes have better EF in comparison with non-athletes which means that physical activity (PA) in the form of exercise related to sport could beneficially influence EF. Still, there is a knowledge gap concerning whether moderate PA beyond regular training acutely could enhance EF performance in athletes.

The aim of this study was to test the acute effect of moderate PA on EF in female soccer players. A second aim was to study the association between two different tests measuring EF, the Digit Span Tasks (DST) and Trail Making Tests (TMT).

This study design was an experimental intervention were 14 active, healthy female soccer players was tested on two occasions. Data was collected on EF from two different tests: DST (DST forward and backward) measuring numbers, and TMT (TMT-A and TMT-B) measuring time (sec) before and after performing a moderate PA.

No statistically significant differences were found in DST forward before and after PA, or DST backward. In addition, no statistically significant differences were found in TMT-A before and after PA, or in TMT-B. Which indicate no significant acute effects of moderate PA on EF measured with the DST and TMT tests in female soccer players. Furthermore, the DST test and TMT test had a moderate to high association, indicating the two tests could be used interchangeably in measuring EF.

Antioxidants Influence on Fertility Regarding Oocyte Maturation: A Systematic Literature Review

  • Participants: Isabella Wingbro Ågren and Zoe Bejmo.

We have investigated the impact of specific antioxidants (vitamin C, vitamin E, and coenzyme Q10) on oocyte maturation, a crucial process for female fertility. Infertility affects 8 to 12 % of heterosexual couples, and understanding how these antioxidants influence egg cell development holds promise for improving fertility rates.

By reviewing existing research, we found a connection between antioxidant intake and their presence in the fluid surrounding oocytes. Conversely, lower antioxidant levels might be linked to infertility. This suggests that increasing antioxidant levels could improve egg quality, potentially leading to better fertility outcomes, especially for women facing age-related decline or assisted reproductive technologies (ART). Antioxidants combat the damaging effects of oxidative stress, which can arise from various sources and hinder oocyte maturation.

While these three antioxidants show potential in promoting healthy egg development, further research is needed to fully understand how they work, the ideal dosage, and any potential interactions. Exploring these compounds, individually or combined, may offer promising strategies for enhancing female fertility through improved oocyte quality.

Comparison of lipid profiles based on different physical activity levels of young adults in Sweden

  • Participants: Pontus Johansson and Martin Olsen.

Knowledge regarding young individuals' physical activity habits and blood lipid levels can be useful to determine possible risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD). CVD was responsible for 32 % of all global deaths in 2019 and is the most common cause of death in Sweden.

The purpose of this study was to investigate how different physical activity levels and time spent sedentary correlate with blood lipids in healthy Swedish males and females aged 18–25.

All tests were made during one occasion in the movement lab at Halmstad University. Physical activity levels were measured with the questionnaire GPAQ and blood lipids were measured with the instrument CardioChek Plus.

15 young adults participated in the study that consisted of 10 women and 5 men with a varying level of physical activity with a median of 3240 MET minutes/week. The primary findings were a moderate correlation between time sedentary and triglyceride concentration (r=0.623). No relevant associations between physical activity and blood lipid concentrations were found in our tests.

In the studied group, time spent being sedentary was a more important factor for triglyceride levels than volume of physical activity. This suggests that one who wants to decrease their risk of developing CVD may benefit from reducing sedentary time rather than increasing physical activity.

Effects on aerobic capacity and oxygen saturation and compliance of external nasal dilator strips - in healthy young ice hockey players

  • Participants: Jim Gustavsson and Isac Rydén.

This thesis was done as an experimental study with a cross-over design. Many ice hockey players prefer to not wear a mouthguard during training and matches because it restricts their ventilation. By not wearing a mouthguard, the risk of dental injurys and acquiring a concussions increases. External nasal dilator strips (ENDS) has the potential to increase the usage of mouthguards by increasing aerobic capacity and oxygen saturation. Nine participants performed Ekblom-Bak submaximal bicycle test with a mouth guard, with and without ENDS, followed by a self-reported compliance form regarding experience of the test, their habit regarding mouthguards and compliance towards ENDS. Ethical guidelines were followed.

This study showed that ENDS provided no significant difference in aerobic capacity. However, Oxygen saturation resulted in a positive significant difference at a higher individual workload. The majority of the participants in this study were positive to external nasal dilator strips. Due to the small sample size, the result might not reflect a bigger population.

High-Intensity Intervals: The effects of Active vs. Passive Recovery on Heart Rate and Lactate Clearance

  • Participants: Tove Fransson and Jenny Sandersson.

Detta är en studie där vi jämfört hur aktiv respektive passiv vila mellan 4 x 4 högintensiva intervaller påverkar reduceringen av laktat och pulsen. 20 personer har fått springa på löpband i fyra minuter med mål att komma över 90 procent av maxpuls. Därefter har hälften fått gå lugnt på stället i tre minuter, medan den andra hälften fått jogga i lugnt tempo. Hur pulsen förändras har noterats, hur testpersonen känner sig har dokumenterats samt har ett laktatvärde tagits innan och efter vila.
Efter analys så tyder resultaten på att både aktiv och passiv återhämtning kan vara effektiva strategier för att optimera HIIT. Oavsett vilken metod som väljs så kan intervallerna hållas på samma intensitet. Valet kan göras beroende på individuella preferenser eller mål men vi har inte kunnat utforska hur dessa två återhämtningsmetoder påverkar resultaten i längden.

How pre-exercise glucose affects lactate accumulation and perceived exertion in recreational runners

  • Participants: Tyra Johansson and Rebecka Stenström.

Running is a sport for everyone. It continues to grow in popularity, probably due to its accessibility and many health benefits such as stress reduction and enhancing peak oxygen level during hard exercise. Prolonged endurance running is driven by physiological energy production called aerobic metabolism, and the energy produced is called ATP which is used to sufficiently utilize the moving body with enough energy. In energy productions without sufficient oxygen, called anaerobic metabolism, lactic acid or lactate is produced through the degeneration of carbohydrates (glucose). During high-intensity exercise lactate is generated in regions with high glucose levels or where energy production is highly active. In anaerobic metabolism ATP production is less effective, due to less oxygen within the working muscles, making lactate an important energy source during these conditions. A way of measuring a runner's endurance is the amount of lactate in the blood. The fixed value of 4 mmol/L indicates the point where lactate production is no longer in balance and is produced more rapidly. Exercising for more than 2 hours will benefit from extra carbohydrates such as glucose. For shorter durations, it is not needed but it seems favorable with extra carbohydrates, since it can delay fatigue and time to exhaustion.

Our study aimed to examine if glucose ingested before treadmill running had an impact on lactate accumulation (LA) and rate of perceived exertion (RPE) in recreational runners. It was also investigated if the accumulated lactate correlated with RPE according to the BORG scale.

Impact of High-intensity Interval Training on Calprotectin Levels in Controls and Patients with Axial Spondyloarthritis

  • Participants: Emelie Carlman and Tilde Christansson.

Our study investigates how High-intensity Interval Training (HIIT) can impact a protein called calprotectin in axial spondyloarthritis patients (axSpA), that is an autoimmune, chronic, rheumatic and inflammatory disease. The protein calprotectin has multiple functions and is involved in the inflammatory response. In axSpA patients, systemic inflammation contributes to an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVD), and serum calprotectin levels are elevated during inflammation. Exercise can be a non-pharmacological treatment, reducing pain and increasing mobility for axSpA patients. Often, moderate-intensity exercise is recommended for axSpA patients, but the effects of HIIT have not been extensively researched in this patient group. Performing HIIT can increase maximal oxygen uptake, reducing the risk of CVD. HIIT may also reduce inflammation, which is an essential factor for developing CVD. Our study aims to investigate how HIIT can affect calprotectin serum levels in axSpA patients and how calprotectin serum levels differ between healthy controls and axSpA patients. A sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used to analyse the serum calprotectin. The results show a decrease in calprotectin levels after performing HIIT for three months; it may indicate a reduction in inflammation in axSpA.



