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Course evaluations

It is of great importance to Halmstad University and our quality work that the courses given at the University are evaluated by our students. All courses are evaluated through the same procedure, based on guidelines from the Research and Education Board.

Halmstad University uses a model called the course ambassador model in the quality control system of Halmstad University. This model is used for all course evaluations and aims to strengthen the student’s engagement throughout the courses and in the evaluation process.

The Course Ambassador Model – step by step

1. At the start of the course

The previous course evaluation is presented and new ambassadors are selected.

  • At the start of each course, the teacher reports on the results of the previous year's course evaluation and ensures that 2–4 students become course ambassadors. At this occasion the students will receive more information on what the role as a course ambassadors entails.

2. Compilation of course-specific questions

  • By the end of each course the examiner together with the course ambassadors compile course-specific questions. Suggestions to these questions can be shared through a closed forum in Blackboard, in a physical meeting or via other communication channels. It is of high importance that the course ambassadors can contribute with questions from their specific course.

3. Course evaluation survey is sent out

  • At Halmstad University we use a digital course evaluation tool for all course evaluations. All course evaluations are made anonymously and do not effect your grade. A link to the course evaluation survey is sent out during the last week of the course, and you will have 10 days to submit your answers.

4. The final evaluation

  • When the students' answers have been compiled in the questionnaire system, the course ambassadors and the examinator analyze the results. This can be done through a physical meeting or via digital communication tools. This discussion and its conclusions as well as the examiner's discussion with the teacher form the basis for the examiner's comment in the questionnaire.
  • Each student will receive the final course evaluation report via email.



