Study the Swedish way
Studying in Sweden might be a bit different compared to where you have been studying before. On this page you can read about some important parts of the Swedish education system which are good to be aware of in order to be successful during your studies with us.
In Sweden you are in charge of your own studies to a large extent. As a full-time student, we expect you to spend 40 hours per week studying. Not all of this time will be spent in class with a teacher, you also need to prepare for a lot of self-studies. We advise you to make study groups together with your classmates.
Working together with classmates from different cultures to solve a task or writing a paper is a part of your academic studies in Sweden. This might be challenging at times but will be a valuable experience when building your career.
Academic writing
In Sweden, we have set rules on how to write academic papers, where it is specifically important to reference sources of information in a correct way. When using another author’s text, this needs to be either rephrased or put into quotation marks. This way of writing can be quite complex in the beginning and we advise you to learn the system correctly at an early stage in your study period. There is support to get from the Study Support Centre.
Equality and critical thinking
Sweden is founded on democracy where everyone has the same right to give their opinion. This principle is present in all parts of the society and plays an important role in the academic world, where discussions are encouraged. Don’t be surprised if the teacher asks you for your opinion during class as this is a way of involving the students and developing critical thinking.