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Printing costs

As a student, you have a printing account, linked to your user, which you can top up with money in order to print on campus. You pay for the prints or copies in advance; ensure you have the money on your printing account before you print.

Card payment or Swish

You can add funds to your printing account by card or Swish in Service Center and at the University Library. The minimum amount to top up is SEK 50. The money is taken from your printing account when you collect the prints in the printer. This means that you need to add funds in advance.

When you are logged into the printer, you can also see how much money you have left on your printing account.

Prices for prints and copies

The prices apply to both copying and printing and provide no profit to the University.

Black and white prints

  • A4, one-sided: SEK 1
  • A4, double-sided: SEK 1,70
  • A3, one-sided: SEK 1,50
  • A3, double-sided: SEK 2,70

Colour prints

  • A4, one-sided: SEK 5
  • A4, double-sided: SEK 9,70
  • A3, one-sided: SEK 8
  • A3, double-sided: SEK 15,70



