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Writing support

Our goal is for you to become proficient at writing and that you successfully complete your academic studies. Here you can find tips if you, for example, need to develop your language skills or have gotten stuck in your writing. You also get access to Grammarly Premium, which is a good tool that you can use to write correct texts in English.

Tips for writing better

The language that you encounter in your courses, which is also the language you are expected to express yourself with, has certain characteristics that can at times be a bit difficult to spot.

Reading comprehension most important

In order for you to be able to write an academic paper, it is really important to actually comprehend the text or texts you are using. If the texts you are using have been too difficult, to the extent that you don’t really fully comprehend them, then this weakness will be obvious to your teacher/examiner.

Put together a study group

Establish a study group with some fellow students, where you’ll meet about once a week and discuss the course materials that you have read and the lectures that you have attended. It is very important to have opportunities to ponder and explore out loud, in a safe and non-judgmental environment. By putting your words into thoughts, things will just click more easily, things become clear, and input has a greater chance of becoming a deep and lasting understanding.

Pose questions to yourself

Frequently take breaks as you read, and pose questions to yourself such as: What does this mean in reality? What is it that the author is saying? Is this familiar; do I recognise this? Can I compare it to something else that I’ve experienced, heard about, or read about? Do I agree with this? Or disagree? Can I come up with instances when this is not true?



