Ladok for students
In Ladok for students you can see your results, register for courses and exams.
When you log in to Ladok for students for the first time, it is important that you make sure that your contact information is correct, otherwise you may miss out on important information.
Check your contact details
If you previously have studied at another Swedish university before you began studying at Halmstad University, you may have an old email address registered in Ladok for students. If you don't want us to send information to that account you need to update your email address in Ladok for students. You can do this in ”My pages”.
How to log in to Ladok for students
- Go to Ladok for students.
External link, opens in new window.
- Then click the button ”Inloggning via ditt lärosäte / Access through your institution”.
- Enter Halmstad University in the field ”Find your institution” to be directed to Halmstad University's log in page.
- Username: your student account user name, for example nistut18.
- Password: the password you chose when you created your student account.
Video instructions
No longer a student?
If you no longer have an active student account you can login to Ladok for alumni using BankID or Feja eID. You can use Ladok for alumni to apply for degree certificates or result certificates.