Graduation ceremony glossary
In the list on this page you find important information that is good for you to know when you graduate and will attend the graduation ceremony.
Graduation ceremony glossary
- Allergies: Due to airborne allergies, there is a full ban on nuts during the day, both at programme degree assemblies on campus and at Halmstad Arena. Avoid strong perfumes during the graduation ceremony. Due to the risk of allergies, it is also good if relatives can avoid bringing flowers into the arena.
- Alumnus/Alumna of the Year: At the graduation ceremony, Halmstad University hands out the award Alumnus/Alumna of the Year. It is a way to promote former students that have excelled in different ways after their graduation and that are positive role models for both the University, its students and for the surrounding community. The nomination is now open. Last date to nominate candidates is 16 April.
- Bags: There is no ban against bags during the graduation ceremony at the moment, but please avoid bringing larger bags if possible. We follow the current recommendations, and these may change.
- Cancellation: Please notify the University if you already have registered and cannot attend by sending an e-mail to
- Consuming alcohol: It is not allowed to bring alcohol to the graduation ceremony.
- Children: Children are welcome but remember that they count as guests if they need their own seats. It’s favourable if one of your guests are ready to go out with the child if he or she needs to move around.
- Degree certificate: You will not receive your degree certificate during the graduation ceremony. When you have completed your studies, you can apply for the degree certificate in Ladok for students.
- Dress code: There is no dress code at the ceremony. As a student you will be given the opportunity to borrow a graduation shawl as a ceremony accessory.
- Food and drinks: On campus and at Halmstad Arena, there are places where you can have food and drinks with your family and friends.
- Graduation shawl: Students who attend the graduation ceremony may borrow a colour-coded shawl. The colour of the shawl is based on the student overall, which is used during the Nollning/Fresher’s week, for example. You can see which colour your programme has on the webpage:
Graduation shawl - Graduation week: The last week of the semester when a lot of festive activities take place, including graduation fairs and the graduation ceremony.
- Hashtag: You are welcome to use our hashtags #avslutninghh and #graduationhh when sharing photos from the graduation week on social media.
- Healthcare: Health care providers will be present during the graduation ceremony.
- Individual study plan: Those who have studied at a faster pace or have taken individual courses corresponding to a programme are not listed in the same way as programme students and therefore may not receive an invitation via email, but you are of course welcome to register to attend the ceremony anyway. When registering under these circumstances, please select ’Other Education’ from the list.
- Invitation: The invitation for the graduation ceremony will be sent via email to those of you who complete your programme studies at Halmstad University during the academic year in which the graduation ceremony is held. You do not have to have fully completed your studies to participate, you are welcome even if you have a few course elements left to complete.
- Language: The graduation ceremony is mainly held in Swedish but is translated into English so that the University's students and their guests can understand and participate.
- Letter of invitation: If you need a letter of invitation for the graduation ceremony, please email
- Parking: There's parking available around the University and at Halmstad Arena. As there will be many visitors on the graduation day it can be good avoiding taking the car, if possible.
Parking on campus - Pictures: You are allowed to take pictures during the ceremony from the seat where you are sitting. Feel free to use the hashtags #avslutninghh and #graduationhh when posting on social media.
- Photograpy and filming during the ceremony: During the ceremony, Halmstad University will photograph and film, in order to provide information about the graduation ceremony on the University's websites and social media channels and in printed information material. If you have questions, please contact staff on site. More information on how we process personal data:
processing of personal data - Programme degree assembly: Many programmes have a tradition of meeting up to say goodbye to each other and celebrate, before the joint graduation ceremony. If you want to be a part of planning the assembly and/or have questions about your programme degree assembly, contact your programme director.
- Registration: You must register yourself and your guests during the registration period in order to attend the ceremony. The ceremony is planned based on how many students that have registered. Therefore, we cannot guarantee that you (or your guests) will be able to participate if you arrive unannounced. The registration is now open. Last day to register for this year's ceremony is 11 May.
- Seats: During the graduation ceremony at Halmstad Arena free seating is applied for your guests. You and your classmates will gather before the ceremony and then walk into the arena and take your seats together.
- Special needs: Do you or any of your guests need extra assistance during the ceremony? Please notify us in the registration form or via email to
- Student of the Year: At the graduation ceremony, the University hands out the award Student of the Year to one student from every School. This is a way to promote current students that have excelled in different ways during their time at the University and that are positive role models for both the University, its students and for the surrounding community. The nomination is now open. Last date to nominate candidates is 16 April.
- Wheelchair: Give us notice in your registration, or via e-mail to, if you or one of your guests are in a wheelchair, or if you need extra assistance in any other way.