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Feel good during your studies

On this page, you will find information that can contribute to your well-being as a student. You can discover everything from tips on enjoyable free activities to information and films that assist and guide, all aimed at providing you with the foundation for a successful student life.

As a student, it's important to strike a balance between various aspects of life, such as between studies and free time, and engage in activities that contribute to your well-being.

Things that can enhance your well-being and happiness as a student may include participating in fun events with fellow students or incorporating physical activity into your daily routine. It could also involve acquiring tools that help you handle your studies. Here, you'll find information and tips within three areas for a fulfilling student life.

If you can't find what you're looking for here, feel free to reach out to Student Healthcare Centre.

Your mental well-being

Concrete study tips

Fyra personer sitter runt ett bord som är fullt av böcker och pratar med varandra. Tre av dem tittar på den fjärde personen som befinner sig i vänstra nedre hörnet. Bakom dem syns en whiteboardtavla med text. Foto.

Test your life style

Fyra personer sitter på rad i fåtöljer, tittar in i kameran och ler. Foto.

Social activities

Många människor som genomför nöjesfältsliknande aktiviteter. Foto ovanifrån.

Your physical well-being

Everyday exercise

Närbild på skylt som beskriver vandringled. Foto.

Activities in Halmstad

Miljöbild från Halmstad. Flod går genom tätbebyggt område. Två personer står på paddelbrädor i vattnet. Foto.

Student life

Student associations

Tre personer står bland folk och samtalar. Två av dem har ryggen mot kameran. Foto.

Student life activities

Folk i en publik syns i bakgrunden och en gul blomma är i fokus. Foto.



