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Retake exam

If you have failed an exam, you have the right to take the exam again at a later date. This is known as a retake. You may not retake an exam which you have already passed.

Courses have three exam dates in total – one regular exam and two retakes. Your first retake is at least two weeks after you have received the results from the first, regular exam. You will also need to register for retakes in Ladok for students.

A woman with headphones is studying. Photo.

If two retakes are not enough

If you need more than two retakes, you will have the opportunity to take the exam the next time the course is run. This applies irrespective of whether or not you have attended all three exams scheduled on the course. If you are to retake your exam the next time the course is run, you must also be prepared for the eventuality that the course syllabus and course content have changed.

If there are special reasons to schedule an additional (fourth) exam under the same course, the examiner has the right to do so. If you have been failed twice in an examination for a course or course sub-component you have the right to have a new examiner appointed unless there are specific reasons otherwise (Chapter 6 paragraph 22, Higher Education Ordinance). That kind of request should be made to the Head of the School concerned.



