Exam registration
Here you can find all upcoming registration periods for exams and how to register.
It is important that you keep an eye on Ladok for students and your schedule for more detailed information on how your exam will be conducted. There you can see if the exam is digital or takes place on campus.
Most exams require registration
In your schedule, you can see which exams require registration. It is important that you register. When you have registered the University knows that you intend to participate and you are guaranteed to write the exam. You can register in Ladok for students when the registration period is open. You are not allowed to participate without exam registration. If you forgot to register, you can, depending on availability, be registered after the registration is closed (see below). Without registration you will have to wait until the retake.
Ladok for students External link, opens in new window.
Search for examination schedule External link.
Remember to save your anonymous code
All written exams are anonymous for all students at Halmstad University. An anonymous written exam means that the correction process is anonymous. When you sign up for an anonymous written exam in Ladok for students you receive an anonymous code. Since the code replaces your personal ID number on the exam, you must remember to bring the code to the exam room and then write the code on your exam.
If you can’t register for the exam
To be able to register for an exam in Ladok for students, you must be registered on the course. Please contact Service Center during the registration period if you are unable register in Ladok for students.
Missed exam registration
You must be registered in advance to be allowed to do a written exam. If you discover that you have forgotten to register, you need to contact the University as soon as possible via the form below. You can only be registered subject to availability, which is determined by the University.
You must contact us at least three working days before the exam, so if the exam takes place on Friday, you must have contacted us no later than Monday in order to get a place if possible. You can never go directly to the exam without being registered in advance.
Your teacher can not influence this and you can not take someone else's place. You can not count on writing the exam until you have received answer from someone at Service Center. You can not speed up the process by calling or emailing the University.
Late exam registration request
Registration periods spring semester 2025
- Exams during week 4: 1 January – 15 January
- Exams during week 5: 5 January – 19 January
- Exams during week 6: 12 January – 26 January
- Exams during week 7: 19 January – 2 February
- Exams during week 8: 26 January – 9 February
- Exams during week 9: 2 February – 16 February
- Exams during week 10: 9 February – 23 February
- Exams during week 11: 16 February – 2 March
- Exams during week 12: 23 February – 9 March
- Exams during week 13: 2 March – 16 March
- Exams during week 14: 9 March – 23 March
- Exams during week 15: 16 March – 30 March
- Exams during week 16: 23 March – 6 April
- Exams during week 17: 30 March – 13 April
- Exams during week 22–23: 27 April – 14 May
- Exams during week 24: 18 May – 1 June
- Exams during week 33: 23 July – 3 August