Course syllabi from spring semester 2025
Here you will find links to determined syllabi valid from the spring semester 2025. If you cannot find your syllabus in the list, it means that the syllabus is not yet determined and therefore not included. Please note that this page is temporary due to a system change.
Determined course syllabi
- EN2064 Academic Writing in English
- DI4009 Advanced IT-Forensic Tools
- DT4014 Advanced Object Oriented Programming
- IN8041 AI and Business Development
- IN8044 AI and Data Strategy
- IN8045 AI and Innovation Management
- DT8045 AI for Executives
- DT4031 Applied Machine Learning
- PS8006 Applied Work in Sport Psychology II
- DT8029 Artificial Intelligence for Health
- MT6023 Bachelor Thesis in Mechanical Engineering
- DT8034 Big Data Parallel Programming
- EN2053 Bioenergy
- MX2021 Biogas
- MK6013 Body, Class and Consumption
- FÖ4046 Branding
- FÖ2079 Business Culture I
- TE4004 Business Development
- IE2017 Business Development for Data Scientists
- IE4012 Business Development Project - Applied Artificial Intelligence
- EN2001 Business English I
- DT8044 Business Intelligence
- IN8031 Business Model Innovation
- TE8009 Business Model Innovation
- DT4030 CAD for Mechatronics
- MK4019 Communication Strategies
- DT4013 Computer Systems Engineering II
- DT8006 Computer Vision in 3D
- BY4048 Concrete Technology and Concrete Construction
- FÖ4043 Consumer Behaviour
- HL8029 Cross-cultural Perspectives in Research and Evaluation Work
- CC2014 Data Driven Innovation
- DI4003 Data Recovery
- DT4020 Data Security for Embedded Systems
- DT4034 Database Systems
- DS4001 Databases
- DS2005 Data-Driven Healthcare
- MX8023 Degree Project in Environmental Science
- TB7001 Degree Project in Exercise Biomedicine
- DT8026 Dependable and Real-time Data Communication
- MT4038 Design and Visualization
- IK8029 Design of Circular AI-Based Services
- MT6025 Design of Mechatronical Systems
- IK8020 Design Research Methods
- IK4063 Design Studio II
- IE2014 Development of New Goods and Services
- MK6011 Digital Culture and Digital Health
- DT4023 Digital Design and Computer Organization
- FOIT024 Digital Learning
- FÖ4041 Digital Marketing
- IK4064 Digital Transformation
- FÖ8069 Digital Transformation and Organizational Change
- MA4030 Discrete Mathematics
- EN4012 District Heating Technology
- IN8025 Economics of Innovation
- DT8040 Edge Computing and Internet of Things
- EN4011 Electric Power Systems
- DO8003 Embedded Parallel Computing
- EN2071 English for Pre-School Class and School Years 1-3
- EN2074 English for Pre-School Class and School Years 1-3
- EN2070 English Grammar, Translation and Composition I
- EN2072 English I for School Years 4-6
- EN2079 English I for School Years 4-6
- EN4023 English IV: The Learning and Teaching of English at Upper Secondary School: Theory and Practice
- EN2051 English Listening Comprehension and Vocabulary
- EN2065 English Literature I
- EN2069 English Literature II and Composition
- EN2068 English Vocabulary in Theory and Practice
- IK8016 Ethics and Sustainability in Digital Service Innovation
- TB4008 Exercise Training
- MT6022 Experimental Design and Data Analysis
- DT8060 Explainable AI
- MT6018 FEM and Design Analysis
- FÖ4002 Finance
- NA4026 Financial Markets
- DT8055 Fundamentals of Computer Vision with Deep Learning
- BI2053 Geographical Information Systems
- MX8022 Geographical Information Systems with Focus on Ecosystem Services and Sustainable Community Development
- TB4009 Health and Exercise Nutrition
- OM6030 Health and Ill Health from a Societal Perspective I including Practice
- MK6020 Health Communication in an Intercultural Perspective
- BF8004 Heating, Cooling and Indoor Climate
- IK4052 Human-centered Artificial Intelligence
- DS4005 Human-Centered Design for AI
- DT8039 Image Analysis
- FÖ7005 Independent Project in Business Administration
- FÖ2069 Industrial Marketing
- BY4050 Industrialized Building and Construction Logistics
- IK8014 Intelligent Services
- DT8020 Intelligent Vehicles
- FÖ4025 International Business and Entrepreneurship
- SK2013 International Politics
- MT6008 Internship / Industrial Placement in Applied Mechanical Engineering
- DT8061 Introduction to Causal Inference
- IK4062 Introduction to Front-End Programming
- SA2021 Introduction to Health and Lifestyle
- IK8025 Introduction to Human-centered Design for AI
- FOAL006 Introductory Course for PhD Students
- UV8048 Learning in the Digital Society
- DT8008 Learning Systems
- MT8006 Lightweight Design
- MA2053 Linear Algebra for Data Science
- SV4014 Linguistic Project
- DT8052 Machine Learning
- DT8059 Machine Learning for Predictive Maintenance
- IN8029 Management of Innovation Projects
- TE8008 Management of Innovation Projects
- FÖ2078 Marketing
- IK7003 Master Thesis in Informatics
- MT2024 Materials - Selection Principles
- MA4029 Mathematics for Machine Learning
- MT8015 Mechanical Engineering in the Sustainable Society
- TB4007 Molecular Biology and Immunology
- SV4022 Multimodal Meaning Making
- EL8006 Nanoelectronics
- DS6005 Natural Language Processing
- DI8005 Network Forensics and Cybercrime
- OM6018 Nursing from an International Perspective
- CC2021 Perspectives on Health Innovations
- AB2019 Power, Integration and Sustainable Development
- MX8009 Practical Training in Applied Environmental Science
- MT8005 Process and Production Improvement
- IE2013 Project Management I
- EN8008 Renewable Electricity and Storage
- IK8033 Research Methods in Digital Learning
- MX8021 Research Training in Applied Environmental Science
- SV4023 Rhetoric and Ethics for Digital Marketing
- DT8022 Robotics
- KV2026 Scandinavian Design
- HI2010 Scandinavian History
- EL4009 Signals and Sensors
- CC2015 Social Innovation in a Digital Context
- SO6003 Social Sustainability in Civil Society
- SO6009 Social Sustainability in Organizations
- BT4005 Sports Biomechanics
- FÖ4044 Strategic Communication
- MK6019 Strategic Communication and Crisis Communication
- BY4039 Structural Engineering I
- MT2025 Sustainable Product Development
- MT8021 Sustainable Product Innovation
- SV2015 Swedish as a Foreign Language I
- DT8023 System-on-chip Design
- IK4069 The Data Driven Organization and Business Analytics
- AB2018 The Globalisation of Labour
- HL8035 Theory of Science, Scientific Methods and Research Ethics
- DT7001 Thesis
- HL8031 Thesis - Health and Lifestyle
- FÖ8057 Thesis in Business Administration
- BF7001 Thesis in Construction Engineering with specialisation in Renewable Energy
- DI8006 Thesis in Digital Forensics
- EL8008 Thesis in Electronics
- IN7002 Thesis in Industrial Management
- MT8007 Thesis in Mechanical Engineering
- MT8022 Thesis in Mechanical Engineering, Sustainable Design and Innovation
- DS6006 Thesis Project in Data Science
- IK8026 User Experience Design for AI
- IN8032 Visualizing and Prototyping
- DI4020 Web Systems Fundamentals and Databases
- EN4015 Wind Power Technology
- EL8012 Wireless Embedded Systems