Older course syllabi (year 2007–2024)
Here you can search for all course syllabi up to and including autumn 2024. In order to search for a course code or part of the full title of a course, you must choose starting semester of the education, otherwise you will not get any results.
Search for course syllabi
Syllabi at Halmstad University
If ”All semesters” is chosen, all valid syllabi (available in an English translation) will be shown.
Search for course syllabus
State the entire course name or a part of it. If you know the course code you can enter that.
Choose the course starting semester.
Older course syllabus
Course syllabi prior to autumn semester 2007 are ordered using a web form. Choose 'Older course syllabi' in the list.
Syllabi from spring semester 2025 onwards
To find more recent syllabi (as of spring semester 2025), you need to search on a different page:
Course and programme syllabi