Academic year
On this page you can see which dates apply to our academic years, when a semester starts and ends. There are no official holidays such as Christmas holidays or summer holidays when you study at a University. All time from the start of the semester until the end of the semester is counted as study time.
Upcoming semesters
- Autumn semester 2024: 2 September–19 January, 2025
- Spring semester 2025: 20 January–8 June
- Autum semester 2025: 1 September-18 January 2026
- Spring semester 2026: 19 January-7 June
Structure of the academic year
The academic year is divided into several periods, with time allocated for teaching and periods for exams. On the page Structure of the academic year, you can see the weeks during the semester when classes are held for your program and when you have exams
The period between June and August is considered summer break, but the University is open during the summer.
Normally you do not have any scheduled education during holidays and weekends, but make sure to check your schedule to be sure.