5 February 2025
Flags at half mastToday, Wednesday, the University is flying its flag at half-mast due to yesterday’s act of violence at Campus Risbergska in Örebro, where many people were killed and several others were injured in a school shooting. The Prime Minister has urged people to join this use of the flag in mourning and the University is flying its flag at half-mast together with the government, parliament and other government agencies.
3 February 2025
New methods for explaining survival models’ predictionsHello there, Abdallah Alabdallah! You recently finished your PhD in Information Technology at Halmstad University, with a thesis titled “ Towards trustworthy survival analysis with machine learning models” . What is the thesis about?
23 January 2025
PLOUTOS project strengthens support for third-country nationalsEnhanced integration through entrepreneurship, that has been the goal of the EU-funded project PLOUTOS for the past three years. Now the project, in which Halmstad University has been a leading partner, has come to an end. By developing innovative tools and training programmes, the project has given third-country nationals the opportunity to take the step towards economic independence and a stronger future.
15 January 2025
New Research Programme about industry, innovation and resilienceHalmstad University has established a new research programme within the focus area Smart Cities and Communities. FIRP, Future Industry Research Programme will address contemporary societal challenges such as global competitiveness, resilience and economic growth via co-creation, collaboration and innovation with industry.
10 January 2025
“Being seen as innovators” – how status matters in the digitalisation of healthcareDigitalisation in the health care sector has picked up speed in recent years, but what drives health care professionals to adopt new technologies? The answer is more complex than one might think. Research from Halmstad University shows that emotions and status play crucial roles when healthcare is digitalised. “Healthcare professionals’ interest in digital technologies is about more than just functional benefits”, says Luís Irgang Dos Santos, who defended his thesis in December of last year.
8 January 2025
How new brands gain a foothold in international marketsHow can companies successfully launch new brands and products in different countries? Manoella Antonieta Ramos at Halmstad University, has in her thesis mapped the tricky challenges that life science companies face when they want to expand internationally.